96 sport manual project | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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96 sport manual project


Elite Explorer
October 7, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Hazel Park
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000, 5.0 Eddie Bauer
Thread for keeping track of my before and afters of my modifications and repairs. I've done quite a bit already to keep this old thing running well. She sat for many years before I got it so most seals we're shot.

Since mechanical issues are now fixed, ive done a lot of rust work. Almost ready for final paint to go on it.

For the rust work I am trying two methods, the drivers side was bad so I cut out all rust and added in new panels. Much more labor intensive than the passenger side, but it seems to have turned out better. The passenger side wasn't as bad and I tried an easier (probably more frowned upon) method. All rust was cut out and cleaned off, covered in rust reformer and underbody coating. Then (don't yell at me, it's a test) locktite dense spray foam was used to fill holes. I know that the great stuff foam acts as a sponge, but my idea is: locktite foam is much more dense and water resistant. Also the foam is getting completely coated in underbody.
In hindsight, I think the idea was sound, but the body work to smooth out the surfave of the foam is much harder than if I would have just put new sheet metal in. I'm thinking in about a year I'll just redo the passenger side the right way. Either way here are pictures.

Last two pics are the installation of the roof lights. I was debating between putting lights on a rack and finding a way to waterproof the wiring, or just mounting right to the roof and wiring inside the cab. The ladder option was the best. Waterproof butt splice connectors used. Fused at 30 amps but after calculating, it would be better suited for a 20 amp fuse.

If anyone has followed my journal this far, let me know what you think!





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@mz35z Formidable undertaking! Will look forward to seeing progression of your work. Thanks!

@mz35z Formidable undertaking! Will look forward to seeing progression of your work. Thanks!

I will keep posting updates, paint and new window tint and I'll be done for the time being... But the project never ends. Haha

Did you just cut out the Rocker panel and leave it at that. I also look forward to more updates on your Sport.

Did you just cut out the Rocker panel and leave it at that. I also look forward to more updates on your Sport.

Well if I read the whole post I would have read what you did LOL. My Bad for asking a silly question.

Currently waiting for the new paint to dry. It's tractor paint, but hey. I saved money and I have time to wait for it to dry. Turned out very well. I may clear coat so I don't have to maintain a matte paint, but I'll have to wait a while longer for the alkyd to dry all the way.



Here are some pics after adding a clear coat. The matte finish just wasnt strong enough, so I picked up some alkyd clear enamel. $60 in tractor paint later and I'm good!

Right now I'm seeing some slight orange peel, but I'm hoping it dries just like the green base coat. I'm happy with how it looks as of now though.


Looks nice! How does the tractor paint hold up to chemicals / gasoline? I did a Rustoleum roll on job on a Fiero once, and it looked decent, but the paint faded quickly and gasoline would dissolve it.

Looks nice! How does the tractor paint hold up to chemicals / gasoline? I did a Rustoleum roll on job on a Fiero once, and it looked decent, but the paint faded quickly and gasoline would dissolve it.
I have read from the manufacturer that it holds up well. Even better with a hardener added to the paint. I will test on some metal I painted in my garage what happens when gas/oil etc gets on it


Got it registered and on the road finally!! I missed driving it a lot.

This tractor paint is holding up really well in all this ice. As soon as the ice melts it rolls right off. Could be that the high gloss coat has no surface scratches yet, but either way, turned out well for $60 of paint.

View attachment 167632
Got it registered and on the road finally!! I missed driving it a lot.

This tractor paint is holding up really well in all this ice. As soon as the ice melts it rolls right off. Could be that the high gloss coat has no surface scratches yet, but either way, turned out well for $60 of paint.

Looks good!

That tractor paint look awesome! Great job!
I’m thinking about drilling some holes in my roof also, what did you use to make sure it doesn’t leak?

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That tractor paint look awesome! Great job!
I’m thinking about drilling some holes in my roof also, what did you use to make sure it doesn’t leak?
Thanks! I used some rubber grommets that are sandwiched with washers (and the bolt that holds the lights on) and some silicone caulk. No leaks yet. :)
