05 Explorer. Vibration when turning. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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05 Explorer. Vibration when turning.


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July 16, 2020
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05 Ford explorer XLT V6
G'day from Australia.
I have a 05 V6 4WD Explorer XLT.
It seems that when turning sharp either from a stand still or even going around a roundabout at slow speeds or menoeuvering into carparks and driveways with slight a incline, a vibration is noticeable as if the 4wd is engaging or differential slipping. It's only noticeable at slow speeds as described and drives fine on the highway..
Has anybody had similar issues. The truck has done 175000kms.


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Welcome to the forum.

Sounds similiar to what I've had. Maybe its a wheel bearing.

Sounds like mismatched tires to me. All 4 tires must match on 3rd gen 4 door 4x4 explorers.

Sounds like mismatched tires to me. All 4 tires must match on 3rd gen 4 door 4x4 explorers.
Cheers. At the workshop now will let you know how it goes.

Could be a bad CV axle. If so, the vibration or noise should get worse when turning one direction and go away when turning the other direction.

Could be a bad CV axle. If so, the vibration or noise should get worse when turning one direction and go away when turning the other direction.
Thanks. Machanic is leaning towards rear diff but seeking other advice before he begins repairs.

Still sounds like mismatched tires to me. Most people and even Mechanics don’t know about these explorers need for four matched tires.

When’s the last time you bought tires? Did you buy 4 tires? Or two?

Still sounds like mismatched tires to me. Most people and even Mechanics don’t know about these explorers need for four matched tires.

When’s the last time you bought tires? Did you buy 4 tires? Or two?
HI. I bought the truck as is with 4 near New tyres. I have the truck back now and they found it was the differential. As spare parts are hard to find at the moment in Australia he changed oil with additives to help reduce noise and vibration which seems to have worked well so far.
Thanks for all feedback and help.

HI. I bought the truck as is with 4 near New tyres. I have the truck back now and they found it was the differential. As spare parts are hard to find at the moment in Australia he changed oil with additives to help reduce noise and vibration which seems to have worked well so far.
Thanks for all feedback and help.
When I purchased my 05 I found significant vibration in the drive shaft coupling. I located a replacement driveline with a conventional u-joint and it reduced it dramatically. Still a little buzzy at 65 mph but much better.
