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Gas Mileage in 2020+ Explorer

mine was like that for first 1k miles then it jumped up to 17.5 like out of no where.

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I've been very impressed with the mpg of our 2WD Limited. Between 21-22 in all suburban driving with many short trips. Our '17 Ltd was getting around 18.

i live in a very hilly area of eastern of ky so 17 plus is very good. my ex wifes 16 would not get that good.

Our 2021 AWD V6 Platinum (Sept '21 build) now with 5,035 miles is delivering 18 mpg, city driving, on 93 octane, normal mode and typically only a driver, no passengers.
We wanted a larger SUV but we wern't expedting $5 plus dollars a gallon.
Hey Pedro, what engine is in your platinum?

Assuming everything is stock and in good working order, driving style and driving environment will determine mpg. The estimated mpg listed in the specs was arrived at under very controlled conditions which may be different from your driving style and environment.

Assuming everything is stock and in good working order, driving style and driving environment will determine mpg. The estimated mpg listed in the specs was arrived at under very controlled conditions which may be different from your driving style and environment.
Welcome to the Forum Mark. :wave:
How true. There are so many variables that go into figuring out MPG that the best I think you can hope for is a 'ballpark' figure. People don't usually buy an SUV for good mileage results.


Here's a histogram from for 2020 Explorers with the 2.3L engine. Vast majority are getting 20-23 mpg.

When my wife drives our '20 ST she gets 15. When I drive I get low 20s. Driving style makes a big difference.

When my wife drives our '20 ST she gets 15. When I drive I get low 20s. Driving style makes a big difference.
So your saying she has the lead foot in the family? :chug:

When my wife drives our '20 ST she gets 15. When I drive I get low 20s. Driving style makes a big difference.
my 20 platinum with 9,200 miles is getting 21.6-7 around home and 26.7 on a 2000 mile trip

When my wife drives our '20 ST she gets 15. When I drive I get low 20s. Driving style makes a big difference.
my 20 Platinum get's 21.6-7 around home and 26.7 on a 2000 mile trip I now have 9200 miles and only use Reg 87 gas

The 2020 Platinum has the twin-turbo 3.0L V6.


Short stop and go trips eat fuel all day long. I have a 2016 Sport with twin turbo and it gets 11-12 around town when my wife drives it to stores and errands. When I drive it on same routes and trips as she does I can get 14 or so if I’m trying. On pleasure drives with any highway speeds it’ll easily get 20+. My 2021 Mustang vert with 2.3L T will get up and go and get 18-19 around town and 28+ on highway. The newer fuel management works pretty good.

So I just had a 2022 Explorer King Ranch built and I was wondering if im the only one getting bad gas milage? Most of the time my wife and 2 little ones are diving in the explorer. In the specs it says 18 city and 25 highway. We are mostly driving city miles some highway and we both aren't heavy on the gas peddle. Our average mpg is 12 and that is in eco mode. Can anyone give me an explanation?
Try using Pennzoil Platinum Full Synthetic! It has made a significant difference in mileage on our 2018 Limited W/ 3.5 non turbo! Went from 15/16 City to 17 avg. Highway went from 20-22 , to 23-25! That’s the only change that I made and it’s held steady for 6 months! I’m a fan!

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Yes pretty much I don’t drive to aggressive but I do put my foot in it sometimes it runs soooo good on the trip I ran 75 - 80 a lot around home I run about 5 over the limit
