Blacked Out & Whited Out Gallery | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Blacked Out & Whited Out Gallery


April 5, 2015
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2013 Ltd
It be awesome to see everyone's blacked out (and whited out) Explorer in one thread, and to compare and contrast. If anyone interested, post your most fave pic of your blacked out ride.

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Plenty of blacked out Ex's on here if you do a search. But I guess you're looking for a one-stop shop LOL. Ok I'll bite...

Not my fave pic, but one of the few that came out clear. :thumbsup:


Im not as blacked out but close. I have 15MY black handles now.


This is about as blacked out as mine is getting for now. Been thinking about doing the tints over the front amber's though.


We have had a bit of rain here in Calif so I need to get my ride cleaned up a bit but I'm looking forward to sharing so pics when done :)

That Platinum white with black out looks so good!

BlackJac I beat you with black Gorilla lugnuts LOL!

Wow, all nice trucks! Yes, whited out's are welcome!

My Blacked out Eco-Beast

My list of mod's
2.door handles wrap
3.amber tint on front headlights
4.full tint tail lights
5.tint over blinker lights on side mirrors Cal plate
7.front emblem black wrap ford emblem
I also have full time 4G Lte
ECM (Electronic Countermeasure's)
Passport Smart Radar detector Blue tooth connect
AntiLaser Priority Laser Jammer Blue tooth connected
I also had the black sport caliper covers but I removed them I'm not so hot on after market items around my breaks and break lines


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Those blacked out FORD emblems look really good on our Tuxedo Black Sport's, I think thats my next mod....

What was the consensus on who the best seller was?

Those blacked out FORD emblems look really good on our Tuxedo Black Sport's, I think thats my next mod....

What was the consensus on who the best seller was?

I don't know the consensus on who was the best seller.

A while ago, I got mine off ebay from the seller downatthebuilding. Then folks started saying that the seller stopped selling them. Others then found the seller "Tim" on and there have been mixed results from him. I looked at the old package when I bought my badges, and determined that the ebay seller and etsy seller are the same person:

Also, when placing an order, be sure to clarify which "version" you want such as bolt on versus aluminum overlay. The bolt on version is identical to the OE badges, except the chrome inner border (not outer border) is blacked out... this is the one I have for the front and rear: Some folks have complained about the overlays leaving a tiny portion of the chrome outer border exposed after installation.

I remember on older threads a while back that some folks complained that the seller wasn't too bright and that customers would have to literally explain the size, color, and type (bolt on vs overlay) to ensure they got the right product.

If you buy the painted emblems you will have rock damage I had posted a pic of mine after 8 months.
Keep in mind it is a paint not hard baked like the OEM emblem.
That's why I went with the wrap on the front emblem

Thanks for the info.

My question was poorly worded, by best seller I meant who has the best product quality.

My list of mod's
2.door handles wrap
3.amber tint on front headlights
4.full tint tail lights
5.tint over blinker lights on side mirrors Cal plate
7.front emblem black wrap ford emblem
I also have full time 4G Lte
ECM (Electronic Countermeasure's)
Passport Smart Radar detector Blue tooth connect
AntiLaser Priority Laser Jammer Blue tooth connected
I also had the black sport caliper covers but I removed them I'm not so hot on after market items around my breaks and break lines

Is that the laser jammer I see under the grill cladding underneath the Ford emblem? If so, that is awesome! Have you ever been pulled over for speeding with it installed? What did the jammer do in the way of getting you out of the ticket? I'm only asking because sometimes I travel in rural areas where Barney Fife himself is just itching to pop out from behind a tree in a predetermined speed trap area. You know, where the speed limit goes from 55 to 25mph within a 300 feet stretch and the speed limit sign is blatantly obscured by a large tree limb...

That's a nice ride you have. I wanted the Tuxedo black in my 15 Sport but living in the deep south with all the pollen I thought it would be a chore keeping her clean. So I went with the Tri-coat Platinum White...

Yes that is the sensors in the front. No I have not been pulled over yet not even got a hit yet but I have only had it for a week. But I did get a speeding ticket that's why I made the investment. Also the jammer does not get you of a ticket it just gives you a warning and jam the Lidar gun for a short time enough to slow down before he gets a lock.



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