Coca-Cola Blak | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Coca-Cola Blak

It just arrived here yesterday
I tried it, front is like vanilla coke, changes to coffee aftertaste.
Kind of good for a pick me up, and definitely good for a ****tail
I wouldn't drink it for thirst though

was thinking liquor of choice, and a little cream, maybe a touch of kahlua

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It's really good with smirnoff vanilla vodka! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I dispise coffee. But I love coke. So I forked of five bucks and bought a four pack. Coke blak is the most unholy union ever spawned. It tasts like diet ass with coffee. Now I'm kinda mad because I payed five bucks so now I have to drink it.

My campus grocery store has had em in stock for a little under a month. I like it.

I laid down my $5 for a 4 pack yesterday. Drinking the first one now. It is not too bad. It will not replace plain old regular Coke as my beverage of choice, but I could certainly drink it every now and then.

now the cheapo in me is going to come out.....couldnt you just make some coffee and add coke to it? it has to be the same thing :D

heh, you know, you're HAS to be the same thing, right?

Oh, but maybe they use special coffee with the beans hand-picked by Juan Valdez.
