Weird brake pulsing.. RF wheel only.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Weird brake pulsing.. RF wheel only..


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2002
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City, State
Carmel, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Saleen XP8
Ok.. '98 4x4 Sport with the 4.0.. 108k miles

Any time I come to a stop under normal driving, the pedal acts normally until I'm just about to a complete stop, then the brake pedal pulses (kinda like an ABS pulse) and the car pulls slightly to the right. It is not a warped rotor kind of pulse. It acts like the ABS is kicking in ever so slightly.

I have changed the rotors and pads. The ABS light never illuminates.

Could it be a wheel speed sensor on the RF wheel? If so, how to check?


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I would suspect the wheel speed sensor on the left, not the right.

That looks like what is happening to me.. Ok, I'll guess I'll try and clean the mating surface and inspect the tone ring first. Looks like the sensor is pretty pricey $$$..


Unless you can find someone who has recently changed out their hub assembly, and saved the part, then it's whatever the kind person will sell you one for.

Would anyone know what type and size socket to use to remove the sensor? thanks

Yep, the ABS sensor is the problem. Mine did the same thing before, changed the sensor, problem gone. Thankfully, I saved the sensor when I put a new hub on sometime back.

The outer sensor or did you replace the entire hub?

I just pulled the outer sensor and it was really badly covered in grease. Haven't had a chance to road test it yet.


I have the same problem with my newly purchased 97. Can I just pull a fuse to get rid of the abs all together? I'd rather control my vehicle, than leave it up to a computer :)

I replaced the sensor only, not the hub. The sensors alone are had to come by, usually they are only sold with hubs. The lesson to be learned is always save your old abs sensors when replacing hubs.

Grease on the sensor is normal- metal shavings or other things are bad.

I couldn't find anything visibly wrong with my bad sensor, I knew which one by "feeling" which side it pulled to when I hit the brakes. I replaced the sensor with a spare I had and boom the problem went away.
