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After It's Built, What Next?

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Dealer called. It's in!! Beat the ETA by 4 days. Now I can't pick it up until Saturday.

Still getting the "Please check your VIN" message on the syncmyride website, though. Shouldn't I be seeing something by least to check the version?
CokeFrog22, congratulations on your Explorer’s arrival (ahead of schedule four days too)! Have you been able to see your version number on yet? I believe thunderstruck is correct, but just in case, message me if it still hasn’t updated by Monday.


It's a small world in a digital age. I ordered from the same dealer.

Hah! Cool. Then I'm definitely interested in seeing how long it takes to get there for you to pick up! :)

I'm still waiting for my window sticker, but I'm hoping it shows up in the next couple of days (saw one posting earlier from someone who ordered 5 days before me, got their VIN three days before me, and got their window sticker this past Wednesday. I'm hoping for a 5/23 build week....


I was told the same thing by the sync customer service person - the dealer needs to show it was sold before it shows up in syncmyride. Seems to hold true as mine was built on 4/27, the dealer "noticed" it was in their lot on 5/11 and it showed up on the website on 5/12.

Hah! Cool. Then I'm definitely interested in seeing how long it takes to get there for you to pick up! :)

I'm still waiting for my window sticker, but I'm hoping it shows up in the next couple of days (saw one posting earlier from someone who ordered 5 days before me, got their VIN three days before me, and got their window sticker this past Wednesday. I'm hoping for a 5/23 build week....

I saw that your window sticker was updated today! I’m keeping tabs to see when it finally changes to “Produced” but in case you’d like an update before that, drop me a line!


I saw that your window sticker was updated today! I’m keeping tabs to see when it finally changes to “Produced” but in case you’d like an update before that, drop me a line!



Thanks! And thank Natasha for explaining to me what "In Production" meant on Monday. I think i confused it with the last status update I had which was Processing...

Thunderstruck? Did you get delivery? How long did it take??


Thanks! And thank Natasha for explaining to me what "In Production" meant on Monday. I think i confused it with the last status update I had which was Processing...

Thunderstruck? Did you get delivery? How long did it take??

I did, sorry I think I posted to a different thread.

Order placed 3/24
window sticker around 4/24 (dealer gave me the wrong order no. at first)
build date 4/28
Shipped from Chicago 4/29
Arrived at dealer 5/12
picked up 5/14

Do you have a build date?


Thanks! And thank Natasha for explaining to me what "In Production" meant on Monday. I think i confused it with the last status update I had which was Processing...

Thunderstruck? Did you get delivery? How long did it take??
I’m glad Natasha was able to get the details you were looking for! Please feel free to drop a line with any other questions about your order!


thunderstruck said:
Do you have a build date?

I do - Saturday, 5/21. So I'm looking probably at an eta around 6/3.

Edit (5/20): Damn, I thought Friday was the 21st. I guess I need to wait until tomorrow to hit up syncmyride...

I did, sorry I think I posted to a different thread.

Order placed 3/24
window sticker around 4/24 (dealer gave me the wrong order no. at first)
build date 4/28
Shipped from Chicago 4/29
Arrived at dealer 5/12
picked up 5/14

Do you have a build date?
I’m sorry you were given the wrong info for your order the first time. If you need help with a question / concern, be sure to send a private message with your correct VIN if it was different than the one you sent originally! :)


Longest wait!

Another thread, another time that I find out that my wait is longer than everyone else! I order mine on 3/12 and its still in production and I'm being told that it will be in the 2nd week of June. Ridiculous! 3months!

Another thread, another time that I find out that my wait is longer than everyone else! I order mine on 3/12 and its still in production and I'm being told that it will be in the 2nd week of June. Ridiculous! 3months!
I’m sorry to hear that your order has been taking longer, and I would like to offer my help by tracking your order. I can keep you in the loop and make sure everything is going smoothly with your status if you send me a PM with your VIN or order number & dealer name / dealer code.

