no power to AC/Heat guage panel. PLEASE HELP! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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no power to AC/Heat guage panel. PLEASE HELP!


October 17, 2010
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i used a 2000 ford explorer for a cool shop truck project i have and i have put over 4000 miles on it this summer without ever having the heater or ac display hooked up ( im sure thats not what its called but i dont know what else to call it) its the panel below the cd player its a screen with heat adn ac controls under it. i have power to the cd player but nothing to the ac/heater panel. please help this wasnt a problem this summer because i would just roll the windows do, but now that its 40 degrees outside heat is very much needed. thanks in advance guys! ive checked all the fuses that would have anything to do with the display

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Need more info...the power to the heat/ac controls goes to the fan and the a/c compressor. What's not working?

I don't think the light(s) have anything to do with the actual operation of either the fan or the a/c compressor.... that's why the question was asked. What doesn't work? does your fan run at any speed? does your compressor kick in on a/c? time to get into the shop and actually check some things out... :)

Maybe a multi wire connector came off the back of the heater controls

I don't think the light(s) have anything to do with the actual operation of either the fan or the a/c compressor.... that's why the question was asked. What doesn't work? does your fan run at any speed? does your compressor kick in on a/c? time to get into the shop and actually check some things out... :)

its been in the shop and i cant figure it out....

i have no blower on, no ac on, no heat, the panel that controls all that has no power. anybody know what wires run the heater i could maybe hotwire it to see if thats the problem

Start with the easy stuff....check your fuses. If they are all good, then as was mentioned check the connectors on the back of the controls. Be careful, some of it is wires and some of it is vacuum lines.

i got the panel lighting up and i can change the settings and everything, but i do not have power to the blower. in other words i got everything working but there is nothing coming out of the vents

May be the control panel itself. I have seen them fail in many vehicles.

IF you don't have power at your blower, it has nothing to do with the controller.... only wiring and relays. by the way, your system is called EATC electronic automatic temperature control. Try searching on a few things, you will likely find a few answers.

ive been searching with no luck, i have a dumb question how can i hot wire the blower? i would like to see if its getting power or not.

i got the panel lighting up and i can change the settings and everything, but i do not have power to the blower. in other words i got everything working but there is nothing coming out of the vents

There is a power relay for the blower along with fuses to check first, but it's not uncommon for the blower motor control to go bad. It is located under the hood on the back of the blower housing. Held on with 2 bolts. Best bet is to pull and inspect to see if board is corroded.

got the test light out and i have no power going to the blower at all. ive checked all the fuses and moved the relays around to see if any were bad and ive had no luck.?

also when i turn the knob up from high power to low power i hear a click from what sounds like under the hood on the passanger side. theres a box of relays over there but i cant tell if thats where its coming from or not ( hard to be in the truck and listen under the hood at the same time) i have also switched those relays around to see if that would help, it didnt.

any ideas

is it possible something came un-grounded? i was using my test like and i tested a red/orange wire and the rear blower kicked on?

sorry for all the questions the wiring on this is confusing the hell out of me..

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vacuum doesn't control your fan motors... only the door(s).
