please help a lot of trouble codes from my tranny | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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please help a lot of trouble codes from my tranny


January 23, 2012
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ford explorer
Hi my ford explorer 2003 jus had a problem on 4th gear,,,but after try to diagnose some fron transmision case onector, now a have a lot of codes from tramsmision. po713,po740,po753,po758,po763,po796,p1746,p1788, p1000,c1440. i just desconnect the plug and then connect back. i try to erase thoose codes but continue appears when scan again. any help i will appreciate. thanks:(:(

Google the codes.
The 1st code you list is an engine code and the last code you list is an ABS code. The rest are tranny codes and with that many you need to take it to a shop because from your post I don't know if you have the knowledge the fix what is wrong.
The codes won't go away by clearing them. You need to fix the problem then clear the codes.
