Crank no start. Please help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Crank no start. Please help


June 18, 2019
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2003explorerXLT 4.0 v6
2003 explorer v6 sohc 4wd. I am having a crank no start issue. I was driving and it suddenly died no sputtering or warning lights. I was able to restart without a problem. It continued dying over and over again until I was able to get it towed home and off of the trailer and now it will not start. I am getting spark . I can hear the fuel pump kicking over and I can also get a sufficient amount of fuel to spray out of the Schrader valve though I don't have a fuel pressure gauge.. the engine still does not start even with starting fluid directly into the throttle body.I have also inspected the coil pack and there are no visible cracks.i cleaned the MAF sensor. I did replace the fuel filter as well as the fuel pump relay but neither of those things helped. I am not getting any codes besides the p1000 finish drive cycle because I had disconnected the battery. I also changed the ckp sensor. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. ......also there is no slapping noise and it seems to be cranking at the usual speed though I am getting no rpm movement except a delayed jump after trying to start. Thanks.

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I was able to get the engine running for a short while by replacing a faulty fuel pump inerita switch. It stays running for about 10 minutes but starts idling erratically and sputters out. Luckily it was long enough to throw a few codes. P2196. O2 sensor signal biased / stuck rich bank 1 sensor 1 but also through a pending code 4 the same O2 sensor stuck lean. I am assuming it has to do with the pcv valve which I took off to check and the rubber from the valve cover melted to it causing a vacuum leak. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks folks.

Check your fuel injectors and the O rings, do you smell gas when you crank it like it's flooding? Almost sounds like it way too rich, look for a blockage somewhere in the air intake? Could have possibly jumped out of time which would be very bad for that engine.

Take the egr valve out of the picture by disconnecting the vacuum line to the egr valve. It can cause a stalling ,poor idle.

Different things to look at. Hook up a scanner and look at the data. With the engine off hook up a fuel psi guage ,hot hot wire the fuel pump and leave the pump running 15-20 while observing you fuel pressure. To verify that's not your problem. Something else disconnect the maf sensor and see if it improves.

Check all your fuses and swap relays just for fun
