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Finally got my Explorer!


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Peoria, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Explorer XLT! :D
After watching and drooling for a year, I finally pulled the trigger on a new 2013 4WD XLT last Tuesday. On Wednesday we took it on a 6 hour road trip to see family for Thanksgiving and then got home today. In all we put about 800 miles on it already. On the way down there I started with nearly a full tank and averaged about 21.3 MPG.. that's with driving 70 MPH in Illinois (about 3.5 hrs) and 75 MPH in MO (about 2.5 hrs).

On the way back I started with about 1/4 tank, stopped after about an hour to top it off in MO (where the gas is about $0.30 cheaper than IL). Then I was again averaging about 21-ish, but was some in-town with a lot of highway. I reset the computer and headed the rest of the way home. From Perryville, MO to Peoria, IL I averaged 22.4 and was driving around 70MPH the entire time (except around St. Louis where speed limit drops to as low as 60, but I do 5 over).

Overall I'm pleased with the ride and pleased with the mileage I got on a new engine.

Most complaints revolve around (gasp) MFT... Mine has the latest update that added the outside air temp back to the main front U.I.

1. Starts out somewhat snappy, but quickly bogs down the more you use it. It actually locked up entirely before we left town on Tuesday. I pulled over, shut the car down and restarted. It still appeared locked up when I took off and was about to go by the dealership (which was on the way out of town), but it reset itself before I had to do that. I was playing with the connectivity earlier today in the parking lot waiting for my wife. It got so slow, I had to turn it off, wait and turn it back on.

2. I wish the lane-change blinker was configurable. I don't like the 3-and done approach. I wish it was between 6 and 9 blinks. I like to let it blink 2-3 times before I begin changing lanes, then blink as I'm changing. I wouldn't want some hot-headed cop to pull me over for failure to use a signal... so I think 3 is way too few.

3. I can't figure out why I can't use the "DUN" option for Bluetooth network connectivity to my phone so that the MFT can act as a hotspot.

4. I tried to connect MFT to my home network. There were a few problems with this.
4a. Can't find the MAC address. I have MAC filtering on my router. I eventually figured it out by unlocking my router and letting it connect, then seeing which devices were connected.
4b. I had to use an unlocked 'guest' network from my router because when I tried to use my primary network (which has security), MFT would not let me input letters for my WPA security pass phrase. When I enter that screen to enter the pass phrase, it goes straight to a number key pad. When I push the button for alphabetic entry, the keys are all disabled... which leads to the next problem I noticed.
4c. When I go from the alpha keyboard to the numeric keyboard, the number keys are now disabled. They were originally enabled.

5. Pressing the back arrow at some settings screens doesn't take you exactly back up the path from which you came. It ends up taking you back to the main phone U.I.

6. The stereo seems to have a huge jump in volume just in one 1 click. there's no in-between. I end up using the Speed Comp. Volume setting to 'fine-tune' the volume.

7. If I want to go from Sirius ch. 9 to ch. 8, I can't just bump down. I either have to dial it in directly, say it or set the preset, then bump the preset from the switch in the steering wheel...

8. Too slow to respond to voice commands . Sometimes 7-10 seconds before I get acknowledgement.

I think those are the main observations from our first road trip. Over all I like it and am glad I got it, although MFT does dampen the enthusiasm a bit. I was hoping it was more 'refined' than it is.

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Oh, the other disappointment is the lack of advances in the TPMS. My $20k base 2008 Malibu had a TPMS that would tell you the pressure of each tire. My much more expensive explorer can't do that, so when the low tire pressure dummy light comes on, I'll have to guess which one is low... Just like our 2008 Escape.

Hi, about item number 4a - you can go log into your router control panel, go to the logs section. It should state that the MAC address whatever was denied access. Copy it and put it in your Mac filter area. You should be good. Thanks.

Yeah I already figured out the Mac address, but now can't put in the password to log in to the router because of the keyboard issue mentioned.


I too traded a 2008 Malibu 2LT for my '13 XLT!...Small world...I also liked the individual pressure reading. I also like the oil life monitor in the Bu! Both features I wish ford had!

As for your blinkers if you push down REAL hard they will click and stay on! That is a bit too hard for my arthritic finger joints! I wish they would soften that up.

I once drone from Wayne, NJ to Newport News, VA on a single tank of gas in my Bu!


I too traded a 2008 Malibu 2LT for my '13 XLT!...Small world...I also liked the individual pressure reading. I also like the oil life monitor in the Bu! Both features I wish ford had!

As for your blinkers if you push down REAL hard they will click and stay on! That is a bit too hard for my arthritic finger joints! I wish they would soften that up.

I once drone from Wayne, NJ to Newport News, VA on a single tank of gas in my Bu!

Yeah I knew you can push it past the first stop to turn them on for turning, but the LA e change blinker is too short.

The other thing I've noticed is that either the speedo is off or it just can't maintain the set cruise speed. For example if i set my cruise and the dash shows I set it to 65 MPH, the speedo is usually 1-2 mph below that on flat surface and 3-4 on an incline.

Hey Mizzouman_2000,

Congrats on your new X!!

For the blinker: If you just hold it (instead of light push+release) - it will continue to blink until you let it go. I've done this in all my cars previous and it just works better for me. I hate the 3 blink thing.

Cruise: Yes, our cruise setter is 1mph faster than the actual speed. It actually is different from the speedometer. We've checked this with our phone's GPS as well and it matched the speedometer. I know 1mph is a little thing but it bugs me.

MFT: I don't have the new load yet (not sure what I'm waiting for but wanted to hear more here first) so I can't help with that but your info is helpful. Wonder if it does that with an upgrade or just with the new load? Should be interesting to find out.


Most complaints revolve around (gasp) MFT... Mine has the latest update that added the outside air temp back to the main front U.I.
Have you checked your account on to ensure that you have the latest V3.5.1 update? The previous version 3.2.2 put the temp display back on the main screen and some dealers were not aware of the latest release.


Cruise: Yes, our cruise setter is 1mph faster than the actual speed. It actually is different from the speedometer. We've checked this with our phone's GPS as well and it matched the speedometer. I know 1mph is a little thing but it bugs me.
Don't forget that you are looking down at the speedo. I thought mine ACC setting always read a mph or so faster that what the speedo showed but when I hunched down a bit and was on eye level with the speedometer I could see it matched the readout on the ACC.


You can bump down on the radio by using the controls below the screen.

MizzouMan_2000, you might want to think about updating your profile so it doesn't show that Malibu you are so fond of. :D
I had a 64 2 door Malibu with a 194 cu in motor. Replaced it with a 283.:thumbsup:


MizzouMan_2000, you might want to think about updating your profile so it doesn't show that Malibu you are so fond of. :D
I had a 64 2 door Malibu with a 194 cu in motor. Replaced it with a 283.:thumbsup:


Doh! Good point!

You can bump down on the radio by using the controls below the screen.

The volume changes by the same amount whether I use the knob or the switches. There's just no in between

Congrats MizzouMan_2000 on your new Ford Explorer! Just drive and enjoy it.

MizzouMan_2000, you might want to think about updating your profile so it doesn't show that Malibu you are so fond of. :D
I had a 64 2 door Malibu with a 194 cu in motor. Replaced it with a 283.:thumbsup:


Done. :)


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And today was surprisingly nice enough to use the sunroof! Didn't expect to get to open it for a few more months. :)
