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Crazy Question


April 1, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Christopher, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 ford explorer
I have a 93 explorer I had a tire go bad not flat but tread separated from tire surprised it is not flat anyway I have a 95 pontiac bonneville same bolt pattern but the center cap will not fit though center hole (4X4) will it hurt to put it on the outside of rim for a bit it sits flush against rim and rim without cap sits flush against rotor and the 4x4 don't work anyway just need something to get me by till begging of June.

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Personally, I wouldn't for a few reasons;

- There's a thing called mechanical precession. It's why lug nuts are conical, to create more surface area to bite and stick. If you put the hub on the outside, that conical part is gone and the nuts could easily loosen. Plus, the hub might not be strong enough to do that.
- The hub seals the wheel bearings and axle spindle bearings. Without it, I'd worry about contamination getting in and eventually having to replace all of that.

Put the Bonneville tire on the rear of the Explorer, there's no hub on the rear. Then take that rear tire and put in front where you bad tire is.
How close in size is the Bonnevile tire? Hopefully close, in the outer diameter.
If you have a limited slip in the rear, and you put one smaller tire on that axle, you will most likely burn out the LS if you do this...

Put the Bonneville tire on the rear of the Explorer, there's no hub on the rear. Then take that rear tire and put in front where you bad tire is.
How close in size is the Bonnevile tire? Hopefully close, in the outer diameter.
If you have a limited slip in the rear, and you put one smaller tire on that axle, you will most likely burn out the LS if you do this...

I thought of this before writing my reply but there's still a lip on the rear axle that has to fit in the center part of the wheel. Take a look:

Put the Bonneville tire on the rear of the Explorer, there's no hub on the rear. Then take that rear tire and put in front where you bad tire is.
How close in size is the Bonnevile tire? Hopefully close, in the outer diameter.
If you have a limited slip in the rear, and you put one smaller tire on that axle, you will most likely burn out the LS if you do this...

the tires on the Bonneville were 205/65/15 regular is 235/75/15 what I did is take two new tires of the Bonneville and place them on the front so smaller on front and bigger on back just taking it easy with it till 3rd of next month then buying all new 235/75/15 for it

You must have a good rake now :D

Check out Discount Tire Direct (they also have an eBay account), they frequently run deals, $50 or $100 off a set, free shipping.
