Oil analysis, 14 Sport w/ 28k miles. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil analysis, 14 Sport w/ 28k miles.


Explorer Addict
December 27, 2013
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2014 Explorer Sport
To go back a bit, I run Mobil 1 for no particular reason. My latest oil change went to I think Penzoil Platinum(or was it the Valvoline synthetic, I don't remember) because Mobil 1 was out. I've ran a variety of oils in my previous cars and it usually falls into which synthetic is on sale. As for a mid mileage filter change, I'll see if I can get some info from my fellow liquid filter engineers at my work. Maybe they have data. I know with air filters, changing them often is more detrimental than letting them get dirty. A dirty filter is an efficient(dust blocking) filter.

As for running better gas and romping on it more, I don't see how that would benefit my engine in any way. As Peter said, recommended is 87, but improved performance can be had with higher octane. I don't think fuel dilution is a problem with the 87 as my readings were all below 0.5%. I don't see why alternate octane would affect UOI unless the engine couldn't compensate for the lower octane.

For S's and G's, I did switch to 92 octane recently. I just wanted to see if I can tell a difference in performance. I know if there is any improvement in MPG, it won't offset the additional cost.

An interesting note, FPO's oil analysis has significantly more fuel in his reports compared to mine. I suppose it could be due to different driving habits.

Anyhoo, party on Wayne. Party on Garth.

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An interesting note, FPO's oil analysis has significantly more fuel in his reports compared to mine. I suppose it could be due to different driving habits.

Anyhoo, party on Wayne. Party on Garth.

More fuel, but less wear metals. (Copper ,iron aluminum ) Even with a 11,000 mile oil change interval on the sample from May...
My wife likes to sit and idle. That is suppose to contribute to fuel dilution.

Mine is tuned and I have been running the 93 tune. So I am using 93 octane fuel.

At sample #3 I added the aftermarket intake. And nano fiber air filter. It brought down the Silicon numbers.

More fuel, but less wear metals. (Copper ,iron aluminum ) Even with a 11,000 mile oil change interval on the sample from May...
My wife likes to sit and idle. That is suppose to contribute to fuel dilution.

Mine is tuned and I have been running the 93 tune. So I am using 93 octane fuel.

At sample #3 I added the aftermarket intake. And nano fiber air filter. It brought down the Silicon numbers.

More idling with little engine load would make sense.

One of the comments on my reports was that some of the higher silicon levels is due to everything being new(gaskets and sealants were mentioned). As miles accumulate, silicon go down because it gets "washed away" by the oil.

Out of curiosity, what oil and filter do you use?

C'mon now, Look at my Signature...

I run AMSOIL Signature Series 5/30 ---> http://www.amsoil.com/shop/by-produ...t-synthetic-motor-oil/?GroupID=174&zo=1667299

and their EAO17 oil filter

I have 60,000 miles on mine

I try to keep the valves from accumulating any carbon.


Woops, I suppose if I looked a little closer I would have seen that.:D

I "blow out the carbon" on occasion(about once a week), but not to the extent in your video....at least on in the Ex.

Woops, I suppose if I looked a little closer I would have seen that.:D

:). If you ever want to try the good stuff let me know. I'll hook you up on pricing :usa::usa:

To go back a bit, I run Mobil 1 for no particular reason. My latest oil change went to I think Penzoil Platinum(or was it the Valvoline synthetic, I don't remember) because Mobil 1 was out. I've ran a variety of oils in my previous cars and it usually falls into which synthetic is on sale. As for a mid mileage filter change, I'll see if I can get some info from my fellow liquid filter engineers at my work. Maybe they have data. I know with air filters, changing them often is more detrimental than letting them get dirty. A dirty filter is an efficient(dust blocking) filter.

As for running better gas and romping on it more, I don't see how that would benefit my engine in any way. As Peter said, recommended is 87, but improved performance can be had with higher octane. I don't think fuel dilution is a problem with the 87 as my readings were all below 0.5%. I don't see why alternate octane would affect UOI unless the engine couldn't compensate for the lower octane.

For S's and G's, I did switch to 92 octane recently. I just wanted to see if I can tell a difference in performance. I know if there is any improvement in MPG, it won't offset the additional cost.

An interesting note, FPO's oil analysis has significantly more fuel in his reports compared to mine. I suppose it could be due to different driving habits.

Anyhoo, party on Wayne. Party on Garth.

romping on it will blow out some of the carbon so to speak.

but on the ecoboost - with it also being a DI engine. There is some risk of carbon buildup around the injectors, and around the intake vales. some because of PCV return fumes, and some because it's not getting hot enough to burn as clean as it wants. It was an issue on some early Ecoboost engines - not sure if it still is.

anywho - running them a tick hard occasionally is actually good for the motor as a whole.

my logic on the oil filter thing - first off you're right about the airfilter bit. but oil is significantly denser - also the oil filter you should be using has a bypass valve in it. such that if it was to clog too much the pressure would overshoot the filter and oil flow would continue. Continue unfiltered.

How do you know if your filter is full up? there is no light, there is no sensor - so despite how dirty the air around you is, how you drive etc - you have no way of knowing if 6K miles into your OLM % your filter is actually being bypassed. And we all know that driving some period of time without full filtering of the oil doesn't really cause engine issue. but how long is too long - is that factored into the OLM limits (yes it is partially).

so cheap insurance - and cleaner oil - part way through change just the filter. They're what 5-7 dollars - fill it with some oil, you should keep a quart on hand anyway - and now you know. More importantly you know midway through the cycle you have a clean filter that is doing good for you.

necessary - probably not. OCD - maybe Cheap insurance - absolutely. Cheaper than 3K oil changes - always.
