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Amazon now Free Shipping with $49 purchase


Flunked daycare
Elite Explorer
January 3, 2003
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outside shovelling snow
Year, Model & Trim Level
................ 96 XLT ™

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Maybe they're trying to push more people to go Prime.

Now that Amazon charges tax in my state, I more often use Amazon's prices to obtain a match at a b&m store. Prime same-day is great, but instant gratification is greater. :)

Now that Amazon charges tax in my state, I more often use Amazon's prices to obtain a match at a b&m store. Prime same-day is great, but instant gratification is greater. :)

I haven't tried price-matching to Amazon for a long time. I usually use coupon codes locally, or scour eBay for days and days for parts...

Amazon Prime. Nearly 200 orders with them last year. That comes out to about $.50c shipping per order.

I purchase practically everything from them now. I let UPS do the driving instead of wasting my gas and vehicle wear and tear.

Amazon Prime. Nearly 200 orders with them last year. That comes out to about $.50c shipping per order.

I purchase practically everything from them now. I let UPS do the driving instead of wasting my gas and vehicle wear and tear.

We don't order that much but still get our money worth. An added benifit is the ability to download music and movies to my phone. I use these feature alot when I am on airplanes. Good way to kill time on long flights.

BTW, UPS driver now pulls to the side of the road when he sees me. A benefit of living in a small town :D I've also hooked our FedEx driver up with a resto shop.

BTW, UPS driver now pulls to the side of the road when he sees me. A benefit of living in a small town :D I've also hooked our FedEx driver up with a resto shop.
I live in a small town as well. My UPS driver commented on watching me build my truck, hell he brought me probably 90% of the parts LOL.

Yeah, Prime is well worth it. I watch TONS of WW II documentaries that are included with the subscription. It's also surprising some of the music that is included. Even if not included, purchase a song for like $0.99. I had purchased a bunch of music from Wal-Mart's online shop, they quit offering it so I no longer have access to that music :( but, if you buy a CD from them and lose it, you're not entitled to another one, so I'm cool with it.

I live in a small town as well. My UPS driver commented on watching me build my truck, hell he brought me probably 90% of the parts LOL.

When I finished the race car I said to the UPS driver "You need to come check out the finished product since you delivered the whole car one piece at a time" :D
