Livernois ERROR Code 77 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Livernois ERROR Code 77


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2014
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2014 Ford Explorer Sport
So before anybody says to use the search tool(peter) :) I did!
I'm trying to upgrade my tune from ver 3 to ver 5 but I got a error code 77
with call livernois tech support? Well it's Sunday and that's not going to happen. But I wanted to see if anybody had any this same error code? And what did you do?

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LMS upgrade info

So I reconnected MyCal and I was able to get to the performance tune upgrade menu and it seems like something is wrong. I installed the 3-Bar MAP sensor but did not start the car. I connected MyCal tuner got to the tuning menu and see the tune VER is 4 not 5? I had VER 3 so this is a upgrade. But I requested VER 5?
Not sure if this is normal or not? Do I need to go to VER 4 before VER 5?
I have added photos below of my new MAP sensor and the location of the MAP sensor so I can make sure I was getting it right. But after I did the VER 4 upgrade and the MyCal did the update to my car I unplugged the Mycal turner and turned off the key. I then started the car and bad REALLY bad start. So I switched back to stock MAP sensor and now it starts fine.
Did I miss a step? My request I sent to LMS says I have the 3-Bar sensor and the Evenflo high performance thermostat and it was a request for VER 5.
Below is a copy of what I sent to LMS..
91 Oct
Stock/91 performance/93 performance
Ecu strategy code = KJDH2N2.H32
Ecu SW part ID = EB5A-14C204-HC
3-bar map sensor/ evenflo hi performance thermostat
I currently have V3 tune and I'm looking to upgrade to V5.

Thank you.


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I would take your PC and make sure the PC tuning software is updated. Then connect your tuner to the PC and check it for updates. Also, you can get the tuner status and check to see which tunes are loaded onto the tuner (if you do not see the tune that you want, contact LMS for it). Then, disconnect the tuner from the PC.

Before tuning make sure all accessories such as hvac/ auto lights/ etc are turned off. Also, all other accessories are disconnected MP3 player/ iPhone/ etc.

Disconnect the battery for 10 minutes on your Sport. Install 3-Bar MAP and reconnect the battery. Connect the tuner, clear any DTC codes if any, and program the selected tune that you want to run. Carefully follow all prompts (including turning the ignition off, then to run, not start) to the end of tuning which I believe that a message should display showing "Programming Successful". Then disconnect the tuner and re-connect just to check and see if there is any DTC codes shown. If none, disconnect.

I would take your PC and make sure the PC tuning software is updated. Then connect your tuner to the PC and check it for updates. Also, you can get the tuner status and check to see which tunes are loaded onto the tuner (if you do not see the tune that you want, contact LMS for it). Then, disconnect the tuner from the PC.

Before tuning make sure all accessories such as hvac/ auto lights/ etc are turned off. Also, all other accessories are disconnected MP3 player/ iPhone/ etc.

Disconnect the battery for 10 minutes on your Sport. Install 3-Bar MAP and reconnect the battery. Connect the tuner, clear any DTC codes if any, and program the selected tune that you want to run. Carefully follow all prompts (including turning the ignition off, then to run, not start) to the end of tuning which I believe that a message should display showing "Programming Successful". Then disconnect the tuner and re-connect just to check and see if there is any DTC codes shown. If none, disconnect.

I did follow all prompts step by step and I even tried to reload tuner and reload tune to my car. No luck!
The only thing i did not try was the battery that was not in the directions. But I'm going to give LMS a call to day thank you.

Your tuner just needs to be updated. The correct 3BAR tunes were never loaded to your tuner. They have been waiting to be uploaded onto your tuner for a while.

Your tuner just needs to be updated. The correct 3BAR tunes were never loaded to your tuner. They have been waiting to be uploaded onto your tuner for a while.
Ok I just downloaded them yesterday. I will call and try again thank you.

I see that you were able to get the tunes loaded 15 mins ago...were you able to get them loaded now?

Yes thanks so much!
But the tune file seem to have changed. This time I had the 91 perf v5 3bar to pick from.
Did something change from yesterday to today?


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Wayyyyy better smooth as silk now but I can tell the power change from v3 to v5 with thermostat and 3-bar map sensor upgrades. I can really feel the acceleration pushing me into my seat. G force is a noticeable difference :) Thank Again!

Another success story lol!


Still not sure what I was doing wrong but maybe I waited to long to download files and update MyCal tuner.

I have nothing for you...? On my end it basically said that you had tried to update your tuner, and you could not connect to the server.

I have nothing for you...? On my end it basically said that you had tried to update your tuner, and you could not connect to the server.

Ok thanks as long as it's working :thumbsup:
