What tcase in a 94 V8 grand Cherokee? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What tcase in a 94 V8 grand Cherokee?


Elite Ranger
Staff member
Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Omao, Kauai
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
I'm interested in a 94 Grand Cherokee Limited that's in an auction here this weekend. It's V8 automatic, and I'm wondering if they came in that configuration only with full time 4wd, or if it might have a part time case? I'd only be interested in it if it's part time. They have pics of it online, but I can't make out the rear emblem for a clue.
Trying to avoid driving all the way there if there's zero chance it's what I want...


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They posted the vin so I tried looking up info with it, but it doesn't seem to tell tcase options.


It does help, thanks. Your second link only talks about a full time tcase in the limiteds. But I did find one link that mentions that 93-94 (the first two years of the ZJ) had both types of tcase available on the V8, so I have a glimmer of hope. Bottom line is I won't know until I go look!

Get it?

Nah. Got there and it had the full time tcase. i looked it over anyways and saw both front cv joints were shot. But a near perfect interior and zero rust. Then someone else looking at it told me the online pre bidding was already higher than I was going to go, so I left before it started. :dunno:
I'll keep looking, there's a second vehicle for me out there somewhere. I'm patient. ;)
