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Tranny Problem


April 11, 2004
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Anchorage, AK
Year, Model & Trim Level
I am new to the board. I have a 1992 Explorer with EB axles and 36's. I recently went outside to drive my X and the reverse gear is gone. When it is in park it seems like it is still in gear and the pawl is keeping it from going anywhere. The same seems to be true when it is in Reverse. N OD D 2 1 are all forward gears. I checked the linkage and checked the fluid. All that seems to be fine. I tried shifting it manually from underneath nothing changes. I have a built A4LD to put in if it's the tranny. I am just a little upset. It only has 96,000 miles on it. Any suggestions?

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So how exactly do I do that? I am assuming from the bottom somehow? I know jack about auto tranny's. I just know that they aren't simple and I'll probably never understand them.

holy good god autos are complicated. So do I need to pull it? If that's the case the new one is going in with a manual tcase.

Search on this title... the sites are quotes from the replys.... "A4LD tranny clarifications please"

Okay Chad, I had absolutely no idea what you just typed. Remember, I am slow when it comes to computers.

Click on the Search button and put in "A4LD tranny clarifications please " for the criteria... there is some discussion of a guy that did not have reverse on an A4ld

I found one similar to the one you just told me about. If it is the one you are talking about it was fairly short and the problem was not diagnosed. That does not sound too good for me.
