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2010 Ford Mustang to look smaller


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August 27, 2007
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From Motor Authority:
With rising fuel prices and increased environmental concerns pushing customers towards smaller cars, Ford is well aware of the negative image its brawny Mustang projects on new car buyers. Due late next year for the 2010 model year, Ford will be updating its iconic muscle car with a number of changes to its exterior as well as a complete revamp of its powertrain line-up to appease those concerned about fuel-economy.

Though the updated model will share the same the overall length and width as the current model, the car will be styled to look smaller and more athletic. Speaking with Automotive News, Ford’s North American design director, Peter Horbury, explained that the new car’s lines have been designed to make it look as though the wheels are “further out, further forward and further rearward”.

Horbury points out that the bulky and old-tech look of the Challenger, and even the upcoming Camaro, will turnoff customers in a climate where buying trends are largely motivated by fuel economy or at least the perception of fuel economy.

As for the engine line-up, Ford has reportedly sped up the introducing of its next-generation engines because of the tough new CAFE fuel-economy regulations. The 4.0L V6 engine will remain, however the V8 line-up will be replaced with a new EcoBoost V6 engine with V8 power levels as well as a new 5.0L SOHC V8.

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I've seen the pics before and I do like the looks, but I've heard tons of different story's about what engines will be available. I've heard 3.5L, 3.5 Ecoboost, 4.6L 3V, 5.0L 3v, 5.0L cammer and I've even read they are talking about a 6.2L modular.

I've seen the pics before and I do like the looks, but I've heard tons of different story's about what engines will be available. I've heard 3.5L, 3.5 Ecoboost, 4.6L 3V, 5.0L 3v, 5.0L cammer and I've even read they are talking about a 6.2L modular.

I think when the gas prices finally stabilize, we're going to see a big emphasis on smaller engines, both gas and diesel, with turbos. I think once the market finally drives manufacturers in that direction, we'll have efficient engines that have power at a decent price.

But I think there will always be 10 MPG beasts because some people don't care how much gas costs. Europe was over $6/gal years ago and people still buy single digit MPG Lambos and Ferraris.

No V8! MORONS!!!!!! Ford just keeps pissing me off more and more the last few years. You guys know what their revolutionary EcoBoost is? And how they make it sound like they're coming up with some new technology? EcoBoost is direct injection and a turbo.:rolleyes::fire:

A new 5.0?... omg..

Looks like a ricer, the Tiburon, no?

No V8! MORONS!!!!!! Ford just keeps pissing me off more and more the last few years. You guys know what their revolutionary EcoBoost is? And how they make it sound like they're coming up with some new technology? EcoBoost is direct injection and a turbo.:rolleyes::fire:

Ummm...did you miss the last line that says a 5.0L SOHC V-8???

No V8! MORONS!!!!!! Ford just keeps pissing me off more and more the last few years. You guys know what their revolutionary EcoBoost is? And how they make it sound like they're coming up with some new technology? EcoBoost is direct injection and a turbo.:rolleyes::fire:

Opps, missed the part where it said a new 5.0 V8. But the still have been pissing me off.

ya and they said they'd probably never make it, was just a concept from some Italian.

Wait if its going to be the Giugiaro Mustang, then fork that!
I mean if you're going to go that far, why not just copy the TVR's back -- and maybe the rest of the pack of somewhat odd European super cars, most of which have the oddest designs.


looks very simlar to the 09 camaro. almost same color to. lol.

anyways, only Ford i will ever own is my explorer i have now. next car will be when i graduate from college in a few years, adn then it'll be either a challenger or camaro.

looks very simlar to the 09 camaro. almost same color to. lol.

Hey your not kidding check this out.
2009 camaro

2010 Ford Mustang

The grill on the stang looks way better, of course the mirrors on the stang look a little dinky.

Here is a shot of the new challenger, I like it way more than the mustang and the camaro, it has more of that vintage muscle car look to it.

I really like the look of that new concept.

I'm not crazy about the 2005+(or is it 2006?) with the large front grille/lights. I really like the previous generation (2000-2004, is it?) Mustang with smaller lights, so I'm really liking this one.

The grill on the stang looks way better, of course the mirrors on the stang look a little dinky.

Being a concept car. I would guess by the size of the mirrors. That they are NOT mirrors and that they are cameras, with a video screen inside the car.

That's a concept not even designed by Ford, they're not gonna make it so calm down. They are supposed to be doing the glass roof in the 2009's though.

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hello Ford remember the gas crunch led to the Mustang II and the BII

Now its gas crunch AND environmental concerns?

Lord help us
