dumb stupid lilli | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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dumb stupid lilli


Well-Known Member
April 28, 2002
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Sport
Now i might have to evacuate... WORSE PART, I DONT GET TO TAKE MY CAR... we are only taking my moms car and i told her that i had a place to go stay and shes makin me go with them and we are leaving my car here!!!! If something flys and hits my car im gonna knock her the **** out... Anyway supposedly we are going to dallas, but who knows if we will make it up there since it will be bumper to bumper... anyway sorry for this, i had to vent

Edit: wait i dont have to evacuate... i have to find out at 6:30 in the friggin morning

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Leave now with your truck! :D

i know u love ur truck.. but i dont think u said say stuff like knocking ur mom out.. thats just not right..

If you think there's a chance you'll have to evacuate, just leave now. It's usually better to voluntarily evacuate and be extra safe than to sit in bumper to bumper traffic while the storm passes over you.

It is pretty much heading right for the TX/LA border, so I'd go if I was in Beaumont. I'm on the "clean" side, have supplies, and a covered parking spot, so I'm staying.

the only reason i said i knock her out is cause i told her i had a place to stay and she said no were taking my car leaving yours at home... plus shes a bia bia... anyway i would leave now but my parents want me, no make that, are making me go with them
