HELP please. Fuel Pump dilema | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP please. Fuel Pump dilema


New Member
January 21, 2012
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City, State
Miami/Orlando, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer XLT
I have a 97 exp. XLT 4.0L ohv and had a problem starting it yesterday. After a lot of investigation I narrowed it down to the fuel pump. The inertia switch was not activated and the relay was switched out and the pump still doesn't run. I'm looking for a mechanic but I was told best case scenario $400. I have no tools up here and my dilemma is whether I should just buy all the tools I need or just pay someone to do it for me. What special tools would I need? Tips? Suggestions?

Also if anyone has a good/inexpensive mechanic in Orlando?

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Make sure the inertia switch did not become unplugged because of somebody's foot kicking it. That happened to me. Also check the relay, and check the fuse. If all is good then have somebody cycle the ignition and hit the rear of the gas tank with a rubber mallet to see if the pump turns on. If it does then yes pump needs to be replaced, if not, it is really dead, or you have a serious wiring problem. I suggest cutting a hole in the floor to access the pump, I dropped the tank, and let me tell you that sucked. Special tools needed is the quick disconnect removal tool, which is fairly cheap.

As mentioned above the special tools needed are the fuel line release tool. These are about $7 at any chain auto parts store. I've been pricing pumps lately and you can get a very low cost pump on rockauto for about $35, and swap that into your existing fuel pump basket assembly and splice or solder in the new wires. I have no idea if these low cost pumps are any good, but there are other brands on there for around $80-$90, and then all the way up to around $200 or more. Personally I was looking at the Delphi unit rockauto has, it's the entire assembly and not just the pump and it's around $150. So if you buy the parts you can probably do the job for around half of the repair quote you posted above. Good luck man! I have similar problems with my Explorer right now too.

I bought just the Delphi pump, not including the whole sending unit. It was $200, but I needed it that day and they had it, I could not wait to buy it off line, and then have it shipped. You can for sure get the whole sending unit, of just the pump for a lot cheaper if you shop around online.

Damn, I didn't realize the fuel pumps were so crappy on Explorers, I had a similar problem when it's cold out, one morning I spent half an hour trying to start mine, no luck.....later that afternoon, she started right up like nothing...Fortunately I have access to a full service shop where I can do the work myself, hope it's not too much of a PITA...
