Making mp3 CD's actually HAVE folders??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Making mp3 CD's actually HAVE folders???


Well-Known Member
December 9, 2001
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2003 Limited 4x4 V8
Well i just got a Kenwood Excelon KDC-X679, and it's mp3 capable. I burned an mp3 CD, but i didn't make folders. So now i have 180+ songs that i have to scroll through to find a fricken song. I used windows media player and can't find how to use a "folder" icon.

Any help would be great.


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I have the x979 myself, dontya just love Kenwood? I do.
Anyway, I dont use media player and that may be the prob. You need to make a data disc, not a music disc. Break the mp3s up by artist or genre or however you want. Then make a data disc with all those folders.
I will say this, mine doesnt like to have any MP3 in a folder with anything else. IOW make a folder and put the MP3s in it but dont make another folder in that one. If I have an artist and I have one album and then some misc music I'll make a folder for the artist with two (or more) folders in it, one for each album then one for the misc songs. So no folder with music has any other folder in it.
That make sense?

just drag and drop! like he said its a data cd not a music cd.

I'd use a different burning program like Nero Burning Rom. One problem you will encounter though, if you pay for music through any of the online sites, they will not work on MP3 discs, only through normal music discs. That really bugs me, and makes me not want to pay for music, though I still will.

I use Sonic Record now and it allows folders to be placed on the disc to keep the songs organized. I really like the program.

jayhawkexplorer said:
if you pay for music through any of the online sites, they will not work on MP3 discs, only through normal music discs. That really bugs me, and makes me not want to pay for music, though I still will.

sure you can you just have to convert them first. Worste case you burn them to a CD then rip the CD as mp3. i know its a PITA but it works and is cheaper than buying the cd new at a store. I know your annoyance, once in a while I get songs from itunes and have to convert them before burning them to an mp3 cd. but its doable.

jayhawkexplorer said:
I'd use a different burning program like Nero Burning Rom. One problem you will encounter though, if you pay for music through any of the online sites, they will not work on MP3 discs, only through normal music discs. That really bugs me, and makes me not want to pay for music, though I still will.

If you buy music on iTunes you can use the iTunes programs to burn music to an mp3 disc, or a data disk or dvd. Just mess around with the preferences..

Yes but I still convert them. Itunes uses a m4p extension. I conver so I can play on all my computers and make a cd from any computer.

true, but you can convert the files to mp3s right in iTunes, just set your import settings to mp3, and then you can right click on any song or group of songs in your playlist and there is a 'convert to mp3' option. no need to waste a cd to convert them.

jnealg said:
I have the x979 myself, dontya just love Kenwood? I do.
Anyway, I dont use media player and that may be the prob. You need to make a data disc, not a music disc. Break the mp3s up by artist or genre or however you want. Then make a data disc with all those folders.
I will say this, mine doesnt like to have any MP3 in a folder with anything else. IOW make a folder and put the MP3s in it but dont make another folder in that one. If I have an artist and I have one album and then some misc music I'll make a folder for the artist with two (or more) folders in it, one for each album then one for the misc songs. So no folder with music has any other folder in it.
That make sense?

Ya, that pretty much makes sense...

So what everyone is basically saying, is that i should really just use a different program? And that there's no way to do it through WMP?

I was also confused on which i NEED to use, a data disc or music disc? And why?


Use a cd-burning program to make a data CD. Even iTunes will not segregate into folders when you burn a playlist.
