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post pics of your engine bay

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I use Simple Green, for cleaning heavy stuff and (believe it or not) for the shine, I use tire foam. Get the engine basically clean, get it warmed up slightly hose the whole motor and bay down with tire foam (I use the ArmorAll Foam), let it sit for 10 minutes and then wipe down. Works wonders..

The only thing that I would be worried about with the tire foam would be the drive belts. I don't really chance putting chemicals on belts especially those belt "conditioners" that people think helps solve a squeaky belt but just mask the problem.

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The only thing that I would be worried about with the tire foam would be the drive belts. I don't really chance putting chemicals on belts especially those belt "conditioners" that people think helps solve a squeaky belt but just mask the problem.

Hasn't caused me a problem in 7 years of doing it to multiple vehicles.

Your not playing fair man:D......They look f*****' awesome!


Once my '11 X is here, I'll play fair and post a pix of it's motor:D

^^ 2011 isnt exactly fair either compared to a 20 years old motor bay!!CHEATER!!! HAHAH

jd are you missing a bolt holding the ac pully on? lol
i love how good it all looks tho. 'black' engine bay :p:

i own a set of those :)

ps. i didnt forget about you either, im just now tearing into the engine

no its a bypass pulley and only uses 3 of them and i dont even use it anymore.i run a custom length belt now that i have underdrive pulleys,i just leave it on there as if i break a belt or two sense i carry one with me that i can get a belt at a store because with it,it uses a longer belt more common at stores compared to my REALLY short belt i use

makes sense to leave it on incase your belt breaks. good idea. now that you said that i noticed the diagonal line going across. couldnt tell before cause its all blue lol

i see your tb spacer to. would it happen to be one cheaper then to $80-$90 ones ive seen?

Nothing special


What kind of paint did you use? I have the same set up and thanks to this here thread I'm going crazy with painting under the hood!! Did you use Duplicolor Engine Enamel?

Stock 4.0

The only thing I've done so far is to clean it up some.

Wicked mate!! Look's brand bloody new. Choice.:thumbsup:

Thanks lynchy! many hours in the garage cleaning.

cleaning engine bay

"Simple Green Max" an a assortment of brushes do wonders. I don't like hoses down the engine bay with the garden hose. I've seen people at the car wash do it with the. I just can't bring myself to do it. I use an empty spray bottle with clear water to rinse it down. Does anybody else get compulsive when they are cleaning their Explorer? "I'll be right in, just a couple more minutes" HA HA... I'll play the game fairly. Here's the engine bay on my '11 X..even if it is a little on the small side compared to previous Explorers:


Mine is staying stock for now. (That's what I say about all my vehicles... :) )

Nice! Do you have any plans for mods, or just going to keep it stock?

My wife likes the 11 Explorer. She has a Torrent now looking for something bigger.

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That would have to be the most tidy engine bay I've ever seen.
