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Question about ControlTrac


Well-Known Member
August 29, 2003
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City, State
Forked River, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Eddie Bauer
I searched this one out, but couldn't find a direct answer. I've got a 1995 EB 4x4 and it has ControlTrac. What exactly is ControlTrac? I've been reading here that it manipulates power output to the front and rear wheels, but is this something it does only when it's in 4 wheel drive? Or, does it work only in 2wd? Both? So, what is it? When does it do it? How does it do it?


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you should have a selection for "auto" on your 4x4 switch. when in that, control trac will decide for you when it needs to engage the front tires. it senses slippage in the front and directs some torque to the front tires. not much usually. and it only work under 35 mph i think. it is similar to 4hi when it engages from what i understand. i have a lit rocker switch to turn control trac on and off (brown wire mod) and if i switch it on, you can see by the light that it sends power to the tcase to engage the front basically EVERY time you touch the gas. do a search for 'brown wire mod'. that will put up a few VERY long threads but the info in those is really good as to how control trac works.

he has a 95 so he has 2wd--auto4x4--4x4low in 4x4 it ingages the front tires at ant speed..but some how i got mine to lock like regular 4x4 when it's in no more grinding..ect im so happy

Ak LTD Xplorer said:
he has a 95 so he has 2wd--auto4x4--4x4low in 4x4 it ingages the front tires at ant speed..but some how i got mine to lock like regular 4x4 when it's in no more grinding..ect im so happy

howd you manage that?

Yeah, the switch has got 3 modes---2 wheel drive, 4x4 Auto, and 4x4 low. Are you telling me that when it's in 4x4 Auto, it's not full time 4 wheel drive....but rather, only when it feels it needs it?

bhults said:
Yeah, the switch has got 3 modes---2 wheel drive, 4x4 Auto, and 4x4 low. Are you telling me that when it's in 4x4 Auto, it's not full time 4 wheel drive....but rather, only when it feels it needs it?

Ak LTD Xplorer said:
he has a 95 so he has 2wd--auto4x4--4x4low
really? didn't know he had an auto switch.. or i wouldn't have said this:

jasonb said:
you should have a selection for "auto" on your 4x4 switch. when in that, control trac...

yes bill you are correct. however from what i understand the control trac "turns off" so to say at 35mph. i don't know how true that is.


You could go and find out for us. The next time it rains or if you happen to get the misfortune of getting a good coating of ice, just go and drive your Explorer over 35 MPH and then floor it. See if your light lights up :)

lol... i could but you see.. we get ice in atlanta about oh.. once a year! :D the main reason i won't try it is because of the front locker. i have thought about it and should have before i put that in. i honestly seem to remember going over 35 with it on before and it still lighting up like it was getting signal. who knows.. that was many months ago. i'm sure someone here has a lit switch brown wire mod and no front locker that could tell us! if i get really bored one day i'll take off my front dshaft and give it a try :)

Ak LTD Xplorer said:
he has a 95 so he has 2wd--auto4x4--4x4low in 4x4 it ingages the front tires at ant speed..but some how i got mine to lock like regular 4x4 when it's in no more grinding..ect im so happy

Please enlighten us of how you did this?
