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Official BS thread!!

Hey guys whats up with Bobbreadknot's as TOTW for about two months now?

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What does that have to do with the eXtreme Xplorers??? Someone bumped his head while jumping his mounty one to many times.

haha sorry. i dunno wher that came from.. bobdreadknot's explorer is sooo extreme though. (haha)

yo fer real, im not tryin to bleow smoke up my ass but when you go through 10 front axle shafts a week and a few driveshafts, your havin a good time, now thats extreme.... i still have ;yet to find anyone that beats tehri truck like i do.... or wheels it as much as i do.... is there aoneone ouyt there that doeas? let me know ...

lizardtrac said:
yo fer real, im not tryin to bleow smoke up my ass but when you go through 10 front axle shafts a week and a few driveshafts, your havin a good time, now thats extreme.... i still have ;yet to find anyone that beats tehri truck like i do.... or wheels it as much as i do.... is there aoneone ouyt there that doeas? let me know ...

Holy crap.. 10 shafts a week.. damn Chris.. I guess you must have a nice supply of 297x ujoints.

I've got a bent frame, does that count for anything?

clarkkent said:
Hey guys whats up with Bobbreadknot's as TOTW for about two months now?
that truck freaks me out...the whole dragon eyes glowin and ****..ehhh but looooooooook at this pic Lizard snuck of me while i was washin was a whole deal thing.. him and dave changed my oil while i scrubed and power washed the mud off Skunk...*notice my groomin apron*


  • fat taraEF.jpg
    fat taraEF.jpg
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so its rainin here like crazzzzy and everything is flooded..i feel like i should be buildin an Ark or something..when i got home i was walkin Lucky and down the street from me it was up to my knees...i was like then i took a pic of Lucky in his rain coat and Hotness swimmin in the street together then went around back and saw that my whole back yard was a lake...and so did Lucky..i *waded out into it and the deepest point was up to my chest..and i'm 5'7..the other pic is Lucky jus walkin into it..good use the rain coat was to him then..pffft :p


  • Lucky & Hotnessef.jpg
    Lucky & Hotnessef.jpg
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  • Lucky swimminef.jpg
    Lucky swimminef.jpg
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haha, hey that looks like lastnight here, as todd hits the breaks and the rear end starts skidding around...todd says, hey i steered outta that, adam goes stupid deer. :p

And another thanks to the ABS fuse in my glove box and the annoying ABS light on :D

that fuse in ur glove box has saved our butts what now?, twice u've had to lock them up to miss deer. and then hurry up and get back on the gas before a tractor trailer trys to take a bite outta todds hatch. :p

car in front of me slammed its brakes on for a deer, we were doing 55-60 and I was following slightly too close for the wet road. Locked the brakes up, back end started to slide around. It was fun :D

One blonde ( Tara) asks another (Linds): "Which is further, London or the Moon?"

:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

The other (Linds) replies: "HELLOOOOO, can you see London from here?????


ExplorerSport77 said:
One blonde ( Tara) asks another (Linds): "Which is further, London or the Moon?"

:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

The other (Linds) replies: "HELLOOOOO, can you see London from here?????


And this kids will be the next Oprah and Martha Stewart :rolleyes: ;)

what good does the rain coat do if lucky is playing in the pond

explornj said:
what good does the rain coat do if lucky is playing in the pond

if the dog gets wet who cares, it looks cute, thats all that matters :)

lizardtrac said:
if the dog gets wet who cares, it looks cute, thats all that matters :)

now that's scarry chris saying something is cute

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thats not a pond...its a lake and its in my backyard..didnt u read what i posted above the pics about the rain coat bein no good...Justin ur such a dork :p hehehehehehehe i'm rubbin off on chris he said..."cute"...awwwww he's havin a moment....hehe :p
