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Anyone in TX

LOL, yall are funny. SVO, let's rock....

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hey BBQ... i live near austin...andwhen i get the truck lifted hopfuly soon like before the 7th of augest ill come pick u up and we can go to the den on the run if ya like...but like they said once u cross over to the dark side its over....i was gonna turn streeter but when i went to gilmer with james sureshot and dejello i started saving money for the 5.5 thats on its way.....i cant wait till it gets on the truck..thatll be so freaking awsome...


Sounds like a winner to me. LOL, the dark side.

LOL, you mean the one that's leaning over on the tree? Oh my....

BBQ_HotDogs said:
LOL, you mean the one that's leaning over on the tree? Oh my....
We all hit the tree, he's just the one that got his picture taken doing it. :D

I hate trees. I say screw 'em if they cant jump out of the way...

I think that tree got everyone in the group :)

james t said:
I hate trees. I say screw 'em if they cant jump out of the way...
They hurt when you have fiberglass fenders!


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Alright, I give guys are my idols. I am completely envious of the dark siders. I checked out the pics from the link Trckmagik posted, amazing...How can you guys aford to beat the crap out of your X's like that, especially that Sport Trac, man, that things awesome. Maybe its just a big deal to me cuzz there are no such thing as trail rigs (explorers) around my house. A few old ford pickups or blazers, but no where to really wheel, its hard to do in the snow. Kudos to you guys...all I gots to say.

We do things bigger in Texas....... We all spend months preparing and organizing our runs. After doing all this work, we go to run the 3-5 rated trails. In doing these trails you can expect some kind of damage. Thanks for the compliment. Alot of guys wont wheel with is as they know where we are going to end up :roll:

Amen to that. remember the scout that did a backflip for us?????

so is there still a TX/RUN meet ? :D
