removing back passenger's side panel | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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removing back passenger's side panel


Well-Known Member
October 26, 2004
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Worcester, MA
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98 Eddie Bauer
whatt do you guys use to get those pins out of the panel. For the life of me, I can't pry them out, and I'm trying to put in a Q-logic box. Help me.

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Get a puller from your local autoparts store. Napa has them for sure and I'm pretty sure anyone at the desk of the place will know where to point you in the right direction.

awesome, thank you, because trying to pry them with flathead screwdrivers sucks. and cuts your hands when you slip

jarededge said:
awesome, thank you, because trying to pry them with flathead screwdrivers sucks. and cuts your hands when you slip
That is also a great way to break the pins, and scratch the hell out of the interior pieces.

Get the tool, they are cheap and work like a champ! :thumbsup:

This is the type of tool to get. I used it to remove all the push pins in my X and it worked great (I highly recommend it $4 at my auto parts place). On a few pins I used a piece of wood to support the tool to spread out the force. I used to use a screwdriver and putty knife but would break 30% of the pins.. This tool is perfect and just pulls them right out...
