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BFG Mud Terrains

hey does anyone have bfg mud terrains on their daily driver??? and if u do, then what kind of mileage do u get on them, do they have good tread life??? i drive probably about 75% of the time on road, and the rest off road, would these be good for me, or should i go with the all terrains?? the only reason i didnt want the all terrains was because i didnt think they would look good when they were 35's.

cody 94 explorer

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You could go either way with the BFGs. The muds do wear well on the street. I used to be a BFG dealer (many years ago) and guys would typically get 40k+ miles out of them. Here's some pics of my 35x12.50R17 BFG AT/KOs on 17x10" rims for your reference. I've had them two years now on my daily driver and hardly any signs of wear.

The first pic is two years old (prior to SAS and fiberglass). The second pics is three months old and the third pic is a year ago.


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i would get the mud terrains. i had the all terrains and my mileage was very comparable to the mud terrains. so i would go ahead with the muds.

mud terrains definitely. i had a 93 s10 4x4 with bfg all terrains and twice i got stuck in wet grass!! i wasn't even tearing up the grass. i was just spinning. not to mention how many times i got stuck in the mud. which was every time i ever touched the stuff. granted power sucked but c'mon 4 low/4 high in wet grass and i literally couldn't move. well actually i managed to slide into a stop sign :fire: that was when i knew all terrains weren't for me. and i ended up getting bfg mud terrains for it.

the mud terrains will wear faster than an AT, however they are pretty good on the street once you get over the mud terrain hummmmmmmm.... i have 31" bfg muds on my yota right now

I have 32's. I've heard of people gettin 100k km's on them, don't know if its true though. I love the look of the muds over the look of the AT's. The big AT's look like mikey thompson sportsman tires to me. Go with MT's.

hey NOTAJP how much did u have to trim, and/or how big of a lift did u have too put on to fit those 35's???

i think im gonna go with the muds, cause after i seen em on CG's truck they look a lot sweeter than in pictures.

hiridin said:
mud terrains definitely. i had a 93 s10 4x4 with bfg all terrains and twice i got stuck in wet grass!! i wasn't even tearing up the grass. i was just spinning. not to mention how many times i got stuck in the mud. which was every time i ever touched the stuff. granted power sucked but c'mon 4 low/4 high in wet grass and i literally couldn't move. well actually i managed to slide into a stop sign :fire: that was when i knew all terrains weren't for me. and i ended up getting bfg mud terrains for it.

I'm the opposite here, I have 33 bf ats and think there great in the mud and have had mine on wet grass and had no problems what so ever. I was actually quite surprised with the at's in the mud IMHO ;)

I have had my current set of 35" BFG MT/KM's for exactly 3 years now and 60,000+ miles. I have been very pleased with how quiet they are, and how well they wear on-road. However, I have not been able to get them to balance using standard methods for over a year so I run Equal in them, which actually works well. The problem is they get chewed up easily off-road as shown in the pics.

I run them at 32 psi on-road and 12-14 off-road, never running them on-road aired down, checking pressure in them every other week, and rotating them every 3,000 mi

Here is their current condition:
(Yes, its time for new tires. And no, they won't be BFG's ;) )


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Bad94Explorer said:
hey NOTAJP how much did u have to trim, and/or how big of a lift did u have too put on to fit those 35's???

i think im gonna go with the muds, cause after i seen em on CG's truck they look a lot sweeter than in pictures.

I didn't trim anything. I started out with a superlift 5.5" lift and SOA in the rear along with fiberglass fenders in the front. I used fiberglass fenders due to the true 35" tire and 17x10 rims. If you went with a 35x12.50R15 on a 8" rim, I believe they would fit without the fenders. Maybe some slight trimming in the front. I can stuff the rear tire all the way up in the fender and nothing touches.

I guess that proves the 100k km's story I heard. Is yours a DD Jefe? Mine is, and since I got them they seem to have a little wobble to them too, like out of balance, moreso at high speed. What is this Equal you talk about?

i just put 32x11.50x15 M/T on and i love the look but went from 17 mpg to bout 14 mpg. On road performance is good so far but ive only had them to weeks. Havent had a chance for any mud yet but i will be in some soon.

NOTAJP said:
I didn't trim anything. I started out with a superlift 5.5" lift and SOA in the rear along with fiberglass fenders in the front. I can stuff the rear tire all the way up in the fender and nothing touches.

with the 5.5' lift did u have to extend all ur lines like ur break lines and put sway bars and all that good stuff on too.?? if u did, is there a different lift that u dont have to extend everything, and u can still fit the big tires on??? :usa:

Something is gonna have to be extended, it's just the way it is. You could try a 3 inch body lift but that won't get you to 35's without lots of trimming. But even a BL needs things moved and I'm pretty sure there is a steering extension (which has always turned me off of this route) as well as dropping the ebrake cable (somebody please correct me if I'm wrong). You might try a 3 inch BL and a two inch SL. But according to the chart in this forum you would still need trimming. Your truck already has sway bars, the lift kit comes with the extensions for them, and you would need shocks and brake lines that don't normally come in the kit but do come in some of the package deal or whatever the store calls it.

The 5.5 superlift standard kit comes with:
Sway bar extenions
5.5 inch lift coils
rear spring pads
radius arm drop brackets
drop pitman arm
axle pivot drop bracket

Add to this:
front brakes hoses
rear brake hose
4 shocks

And that would be the basic system with most people recomending the superunner steering system and extended radius arms as upgrades.

how much do u think that is all gonna run, and how hard is it to put on??? would i probably have to take it somewhere to have them do it???

thanx for all the replies!!

ur right on the steering and ebrake but i got mine to hook up with the ext. on the ebrake. But yeah ext. are needed for any lift that will fit 35's

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