design a rear deflector | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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design a rear deflector


Elite Explorer
October 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Wing, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt
what would you want it to look like? i've got my own ideas, just wondered what ya'll think would look good

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hows this?

this ok? ricer stylin ;)


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I will buy whatever JamesT designs

Members here tend to like the Saleen wing look.

I think something "a little" similar to the Saleen would look good..... only smaller. My only problem with the Saleen one was i always thought it was a bit too big.

anyone have good pictures of the saleen one?

I found this, sorry if it's too big, I can grab the smaller one if needed.


I think something that that would be cool, only if it were angled up more, didn't extend back so far, blended into the body more, and maybe was a 3 piece system, so it would extend past the door line, and make the transition into the body. Just my thoughts.

that thing is HUGE lol

i built one last night, but don't have pictures yet. i wanted to get an idea of what people like on here before i posted pictures. i think its easier to get better feedback that way, rather than people just posting ya its cool, or no it sucks.

well here it is, still pretty rough and its hard to see how anything will look until its a solid smooth color. but anyways...


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yeah, its tiny


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Looks Good, I Take One As Long As It Fits A 97' Sport. However I Do Like The Saleen One As Well.

I like the Explorer Express X-Spec wing that they never produced. I have seen it on the ********* forum somewhere, and I have a picture in their catalog. It's not as long, so I believe the window will open without hitting it. Can someone search for it, and post a picture here for an example? ;)

Am partial to expos design, this one is OEM ford, cheap on Ebay


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expo5.0, have you had your corner hatch piece carbon fiber painted? Can you post a picture of the corner, from a few feet back?

Do you have a picture of the EE non-produced wing? I am sure that there are several pictures on the ********* site. Thanks,

I have no problem with my Lund Wing.
Granted it is a pic of my antenna, but you get the jist.


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MONMIX said:
I have no problem with my Lund Wing.
Granted it is a pic of my antenna, but you get the jist.

Same thing, oppostie color, different angle, old thread


And another one on my '99.


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Am partial to expos design, this one is OEM ford, cheap on Ebay

Hi, I'm not familiar with this wing do you have specs or the name it goes under year of explorer etc. I have been looking on ebay and not sure if its the one i saw before.


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Ah, the perrils of a ressurected thread.

The poster in question " spindlecone " has been banned from this site and likely will not be able to respond to your question.

It would be my best guess it is for a Sport Trac.
