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Sloped body lift + SOA successful

Nick26 said:
oh no, you going to make me show off my mad MS Paint skills again? ;)...

yeah sure, b/c i'm obviously not understanding what you're saying

do you have 2 extra 3" lift blocks or do i need to find them elsewhere?

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Ok this diagram is a little exagerated but hopefully you get the idea, that using the furthest back hole will shorten the wheelbase...

And Hokie (Brett was it?) I can definitely send you a few blocks, PM me your address. I searched around for some radiator drop brackets but couldn't find any, however they should only take a few seconds to make so I'll make you some that match mine. Then the only other part you'll need is the steering extension which i think Performance Accessories may let you order individually.


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Nick26 said:
Ok this diagram is a little exagerated but hopefully you get the idea, that using the furthest back hole will shorten the wheelbase...

And Hokie (Brett was it?) I can definitely send you a few blocks, PM me your address. I searched around for some radiator drop brackets but couldn't find any, however they should only take a few seconds to make so I'll make you some that match mine. Then the only other part you'll need is the steering extension which i think Performance Accessories may let you order individually.

haha...i was thinking right and wrong at the same time, nice diagram ~ Hokie was obviously tired and not concentrating at work (or on work either... earth to Hokie)

no worries about the brackets, i'll see what i can do

i'm still searching for material to make drive shaft extensions out of, solid aluminum slugs are VERY expensive b/c its sold by the foot and i need 2-3"

Hokie said:
i'm still searching for material to make drive shaft extensions out of, solid aluminum slugs are VERY expensive b/c its sold by the foot and i need 2-3"

Well, we could all pitch in and you could make some outta that?lol. how much are aluminum slugs?

So if I move the axle back to the red whole, I will shorten my wheelbase and maybe cure the grumbling from my driveshaft since it wont be as stretched.... Or I could lengthen my wheelbase by putting my axle on the yellow hole, and get a spacer from Hokie?

This of course dpeends on 3-4 of us getting Hokie to create spacers after chipping in for the foot of aluminum required...... Exactly how much is a foot of aluminum for this project anyway?

Nick, I'll definitely make the trip up to your house soon. PM me your schedule.


Oh yeah.... Dem sum mad skillz Nick!

Okay I am Tired, its 1:30 am my time, I am working staff duty. Truck looks good. Could you post pic of what you did to lift your front.(besides the TT and Lift blocks).
The SOA might be solution to my rubbing problem when my rear flexes, without having to replace rear quater panels from McNeil Racing.


96 EB /TT/3in body/AAL/456 gears/Auburn Ected / 35 Super Swampers SSR /Child Safty Seats for my girls.

suzunbc said:
Okay I am Tired, its 1:30 am my time, I am working staff duty. Truck looks good. Could you post pic of what you did to lift your front.(besides the TT and Lift blocks).
The SOA might be solution to my rubbing problem when my rear flexes, without having to replace rear quater panels from McNeil Racing.

96 EB /TT/3in body/AAL/456 gears/Auburn Ected / 35 Super Swampers SSR /Child Safty Seats for my girls.

Hey Man, Hows Germany? We're all really appreciative for what you doing for our country...

anyway the body lift blocks and the TT is the only way my front is lifted. I have about 5 inches of lift that way. SOA will definitely give you more lift in the rear than just a body lift and shackles. Actually I'd recommend you do exactly what I did with the half body lift and SOA. That'll give you like 6 inches of lift in the rear with stock shackles, and if thats still not enough just put the longer shackles on.
How do you like the Ected?


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Well....ordered the perches....they should be here tomorrow or Thurs. I will probably do the lift this weekend or next.....I saw a set of spindled from fabtech on ebay, but they were for a 2wd edge!!! That really blows!!! They only ended up going for $200- maybe I will catch another set....If anyone knows where I can get a set for cheap.....hook me up!!! Hokie.....i'll let you know tomorrow about the blocks!!

karl_burns said:
This of course dpeends on 3-4 of us getting Hokie to create spacers after chipping in for the foot of aluminum required...... Exactly how much is a foot of aluminum for this project anyway?

Aluminum prices are as follows: (for round solid stock)

4.5" = $51/ft
4.75" = $57/ft
5" = $63/ft
5.5" = $77/ft
6" = $91/ft

Not sure what size we'd need, but I'm guessing its around 5"

One problem I just realized... I can turn these on a lathe, but I'd have no way of balancing them. If they're out of balance they'll cause all sorts of driveline vibes (which Explorers were already notorious for) An out of balance driveshaft will quickly consume pinion seals

Ok, I thought that you had done something more to the front. Love the ected. I like what you did. But I dont know if I'l do that. My problem is when I PCS back to the states. I cant have more than 3 in of suspention lift. I thinking of doing the superlft thing, but I dont think I can crank the bars down to 3in of lift. Can you also give me the part numbers for the rear. And thanks sometimes you wonder if peaple back in the states really appriciate what we do. Iraq and Afganistan are not the only places where the terrorist are at.


96 EB /TT/3in body/AAL/456 gears/Auburn Ected / 35 Super Swampers SSR /Child Safty Seats for my girls.

Thanks suzunbc. Should have said that before.....

If you're tlaking about the Warrior Shackles, they're part #153. Here's a lnik so you don't have to search (Redrig posted this on another thread):


I know about the warrior shackles. I sold mine to one of the guy in my unit, along with the cobra rims and BFG Mudterraines. Sold my Pro Comp XT to a guy with a Jeep. They suck in snow. I was talking about the rear parts for the SOA. Since I have to have it sent here Fed Ex or DHL. I not that Tired.
What was used looks alot more sturdier then some of the kits I have seen.

96 EB /TT/3in body/AAL/456 gears/Auburn Ected / 35 Super Swampers SSR /Child Safty Seats for my girls

In reply to NICK26.

Its bginging the truck into the states from Germany. I cant have more the # in or they will make me take it off. Its the same shipping it here. My S3 has a YJ with 6 in lift. He could not ship it here unless he reduced it to 3 or less. The Body lift dose not count. Customs and DOT check the suspension. Germany itself has stick laws. I can lift a 94 or older 4 in and its legal. But not a second Gen. I get around with what I have now because my truck is registered with the americans. I have been pulled over for safty checks by the Germans. They Brought out the tape measure and check. Tryed to give me a ticket for the lift and the tires, and my rims. But could not do it. So they called the MPs. Any thought on cranking down superlifts kit from 4 to 3?

96 EB /TT/3in body/AAL/456 gears/Auburn Ected / 35 Super Swampers SSR /Child Safty Seats for my girls

The Superlift comes with a 4" leaf pack. I dont think there is much you could do for the rear. You could do a TT up front to lower it a bit if needed though.

I know there is nothing I can do about the rear. Thought was bring the front down to 3 in over stock. From what I understand they check the front. Common sense the rear is goning to be higher on a truck.

96 EB /TT/3in body/AAL/456 gears/Auburn Ected / 35 Super Swampers SSR /Child Safty Seats for my girls

Ookay.. You have your answer(YES) and I have no common sense.

Dont Take personel. Wanted somes thought on this, But thanks.

96 EB /TT/3in body/AAL/456 gears/Auburn Ected / 35 Super Swampers SSR /Child Safty Seats for my girls

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well sonsidering explorere have a variable factory ride height you dont need to worry baout it. I think the manual allows for a 3" variation in ride height from the factory.
