Rubicon, Summer 2005.. | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rubicon, Summer 2005..

BKennedy said:
John, are you bringing your boys?
Honestly haven't decided yet. Jefe and I were thinking maybe just one or none - just to keep our camping gear and packed food manageable. We don't think we would want to make the run with the amount of gear we usually bring if all three boys come along.

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I wish I could join you guys...someday i'll make it up there though.
I was on the Pirate board and noticed quite a few groups will be up there the same weekend, one group will have at least 25 rigs :eek: Have fun up there regardless. ;)

tracy made hoptel reservations for us on thursday night I belive in plaserville. Is anyone else planning on staying their the night before then running up to the dam in the morning?

We are planning on staying in the same hotel we did last time. Can't remember the name so I will have to dig up the receipt. Clean and good rates. I will be making reservations for Thursday night. Sunday, depending on when we get out of the Con, I will either stay in Placerville, or go on to Sacramento for the night. Want to stop by the CHP academy on the way home for some goodies.

Whos bringing stoves and BBQ's.

The reason I ask Is I don't think everyone needs to bring a stove and a BBQ. Is someone wants to bring a stove I will bring a bbq or visa versa. I just want to bring the least amount of stuff.

What you guys think?

there are plenty of campsites, although very limited around loon lake. There is also a ton on the way to loon lake along Icehouse road. Go to and look for campsites like: wrench creek, icehouse, gerle creek. There are actually a lot more but I cannot remember them all. the actual area is known as the Crystal Basin Recreation Area. Even if it says that all of the campsites are full as far as reservations are concerned; there are still a ton of first come first serve campsites available.

On a frustraing note: I will not be able to attend because everything on my explorer seems to be breaking and I don't have time to fix it all! (damn transfer case) Maybe later on in the summer.
So have fun guys!

The kid and I are going up on the 14th will be in the Gold Country Inn in Plaserville. You are welcome to convoy up with us but I will be towing one of THOSE J**P thingys.

I will be bringing a camp stove and some cook wear.

Jefe said:
Is anyone camping Thurs and Sunday night? Can anyone recommend a spot to camp?

there are several primitive camp sites along the road at the Loon Lake trail head. Heck, I've even camped on the granite rocks just past the spillway.

I will be driving Friday morning from the SFBay area. Plan to leave here about 6am, so I should be at the Loon Lake trail head by 9am.

tdavis said:
Current list:

1) Me - Samurai
2) Thunderhorse - Explorer
3) Kid_Of_Thunderhorse - Jeep
4) Jefe - Explorer
5) Brother_of_Jefe - Jeep
6) Goliath - Explorer
7) Rockranger - Jeep
8) BKennedy - Explorer
9) PositiveVibes - Explorer

Am I missing anyone?

Updated list - missing anyone?

thunderhorse said:
The kid and I are going up on the 14th will be in the Gold Country Inn in Plaserville. You are welcome to convoy up with us but I will be towing one of THOSE J**P thingys.

I will be bringing a camp stove and some cook wear.

I am planning on heading out the 12th after work to fresno where my girlfriend lives. that gives me all day wedensday to get her jeep ready for the run. Need to finish getting that onboard shower hooked up :D Then head out noonish thursday towards plaservile. I have a friend I am meeting up with and a few other stops to make along the way. I am not sure where we are staying as tracy made the reservations.

On a side note, anyone know the details about campfires? Do we need to get a permit and what about cutting wood while out there? I can probably get a chainsaw to bring if needed but not positive on that. I am used to packing a ranger so its going to be interesting to pack everything in a jeep.

Here is the jeep that we will be in. It is now sporting brand new 33" mtrs though.


  • tracyjeep.jpg
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You need to get a fire permit for any fire - and that includes stove. Good news is, only one is needed for the whole group.

Scrounging wood is ok - cutting down wood may not be (I'm not sure on it)

Doesn't look like I'm going to make this trip after all. :(

I am running out of time to get it together. I should know by Monday. Sorry.

transfer case is repaired, and back in. A few minor things and it's running again.

I plan to remove the windshield, replace the rear spring packs, and groove the tires in the next few days.

John and I were busy working on our rigs today, with less than great success.
I got my superior axles in :thumbsup: , got some fluids changed, and a few other things . . .AND I finally found out why my front locker hasn't been working properly. :( Hopefully I can get the part shipped overnight and get it installed in time.

John got his winch wired up after learning the hard way how to rebuild it, was working on installing his dual batteries when I left, and had about a dozen other boxes of 'toys' to install or finish installing. :eek:

tdavis said:
You need to get a fire permit for any fire - and that includes stove. Good news is, only one is needed for the whole group.

Scrounging wood is ok - cutting down wood may not be (I'm not sure on it)

Do you know if we have to get it at a local rangerstation or can I go to any ranger station and get one? Guess Ill stick tracy on it monday to see what we need.

I wasnt so much thinking of cutting stuff down with the chain saw. More along the lines of making big pieces already down smaller. Ill have her ask about that as well. Im way behind at work right now. Im hoping I can get out of here tuesday but it may not be till wedensday night.

RockRanger said:
Do you know if we have to get it at a local rangerstation or can I go to any ranger station and get one? Guess Ill stick tracy on it monday to see what we need.

It's one fire permit for all of California if I remember correctly.

Tom, I just got my Pett. But the cover falls off when I open it. Does yours do the same thing. I have a feeling they wont take it back after its been used!

Positive Vibes said:
Tom, I just got my Pett. But the cover falls off when I open it. Does yours do the same thing. I have a feeling they wont take it back after its been used!

If I remember correctly, the cover does come off, and can be used as part of the base. I'll check mine tonight.

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Tom can you post the schedule again. I looked but there are so many dates posted. We are meeting where at what time on Fri the 15th?
