Top Speed of a 5L w/o speed limiter | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Top Speed of a 5L w/o speed limiter


Explorer Addict
July 16, 1999
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97 Explorer
Was wondering to what speed you have gotten your Ex/Mounty up to, those of you who have had the speed limiter replaced....why you ask?
Well, mine is supercharged and I am wondering whether at that speed/rpm tha SC is actually making the vehicle slower. Doug wrote me a program to remove the speed limiter, and I am not able to get the vehcile above about 108. It doesn't seem to limit as it did when 106 was the limit, but you just hold the pedal to the floor and it just stays at 108. I am not sure whether I am running out of fuel and or air ect...or whether the drag on the motor from the SC is just that great at that RPM/speed.....

My wife's Jeep Liberty with a 3.7L weighing in at the same weight does about 118mph. (that is all I was able to get it to safely)

My 97 Sport 4L OHV 5 speed stick will do 108 on a straigh line with no wind. (and that is pushing it) I would figure tha additional HP of the 5L with a SC, it should do at least 115???

I am not looking at doing any high speed cruising, but when I want to aniolate a rice burner, I want to do it without losing them in the end....


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108 with the limiter. 130 (best estimate) with it off. Thank you Powerdyne :D

130 is too fast for a 4 door explorer IMO, you better have good tires, good suspension, and alot of luck. You want to go that fast get a sports car.

Ok, if you can do 130 with the same SC I have, what am I doing wrong?

410Fortune said:
130 is too fast for a 4 door explorer IMO, you better have good tires, good suspension, and alot of luck. You want to go that fast get a sports car.

I was just editing that because I knew someone would bash me. I had a helmet and it was AT THE DRAG STRIP. Only once though, it was enough. I dont like to hit over 90 on the interstate if that tells you anything.

EDIT: Now that everyone has forgotten, I considered the Drag Strip, the street, back then in case you're wondering. And yes, I was an idiot. But I really did wear a helmet if that makes you feel better...

Oh dont worry I am not the police, I dont care what you do! hahaha I just have alot of opinions and post them up, yeah.

I am hoping anyone who attempts 130 in an Explorer is doing it at the drag strip, and obviously has a built truck for dragging

Why would you NEED to 130 in an explorer?

I did 142 in an RX7 turbo (dads, he would kill me), I was young and dumb and that was tooo damn fast! Those lines on the highway become like solid at that speed.

What does Trolls truck finish the 1/4 mile doing?

do it again dude, on the track. but yeah you are taking your life into your own hands at that speed in a 4 door ex :) Not much different from merging on the damn highway during rush hour though...

I am not advocating driving an Ex at 130, I am just trying to figure out why mine falls on it's face going into 100+ with a Powerdyne.

ive got a buddy who got a ticket on 485 (one of our highways) going 149 in a supercharged BUILT prelude....sprayed the NOS at about 120...needless to say he lost his liscense for a while

410Fortune said:
What does Trolls truck finish the 1/4 mile doing?

If he running 10s now, hes at LEAST got trap speeds in the low 130s and 9's with a turbo? Around 140 :confused:. No thanks

I had the needle pinned at 116mph.


My 98' V6 SOHC sport with 4.10's and a 5 speed auto turns about 3500 rpm and is still pulling hard at 95mph when the fuel cut off kicks in. I am sure I can get it to around 115 or better. Don't like to drive it above 80 though , the bigger 255/70's are hard to control.

:D It Can Be done in a safe and sane manner


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Yes it can, especially with a crash/roll cage and proper seats/harness

410Fortune said:
Yes it can, especially with a crash/roll cage and proper seats/harness
Or strapped to a dyno ;)

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On my way back from Grand Rapids last year in my Explorer GT (4 door, 5 speed, 4x2, 3.27 open) I had it "to the flo and dere ain't no mo" and according to the GPS I just couldn't go over 98 mph no matter how long I held it there
