Elbe hills 24 sept 05 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Elbe hills 24 sept 05


Elite Explorer
April 15, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
1985 BroncoII
Time to run the busy wild before it gets real slick.
Meet time is 9 AM at the scale shack / cheveron station parking lot in Elbe
The trail to be run will be the busy wild
Not to scare anybody This can be a difficult trail so body (for long wheelbase vehicles) or mechanical damage may occur.
Please make sure you have your rig squared away before the run,meaning don't show up with street tires,loose bungee cords etc.. my long wheel base explorer will slow us down enough as it, we don't need to be adjusting muffler bearings every 10 mintues.
I have changed the date due to a wedding

Only three rigs went on this run a Bronco2, a '01 wrangler and my explorer. the run went pretty smooth with the exception of I bent one of rims and lost air on a root wad, more than a few blows with a hammer air and some air and I was back on the trail, Snowthrower/Josh in his Bronco2 got some wood in be tween his tire and rim which required us to pull the tire and break the bead to remove not only the wood but also mud from the mud bog last summer.
The wrangler did well for being stock, Cameron got to break in his new winch for the first time at the end of the day on a muddy ledge that hung him up on his skidplates, this was on a side trail and not the busy wild and was really just goofing off seeing if it could be done.
The busy wild was built by jeepers for jeeps and I made it through with what is now basiclly a full size rig because of the axle swap, I did get some scraps and damage in already damaged areas.
There was only one spot that was just to narrow for me to fit through


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And those old stumps are home to creaters that if you stands to close to there home they will sting you


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A few pic of snowthrowers bronco2


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