Photoshop Help Please, changing the look of my car!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Photoshop Help Please, changing the look of my car!!!


Well-Known Member
April 30, 2005
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2002 Eddie B.
I need some help please. Im trying to decide if I fiberglass the entire moldings into the car. In other words make the moldings look like they are not a seperate part of the car. Delete all the lines and make the veihcle look like one smooth piece. Most of the high end SUVs (benz, porshe, bmw etc) come like that and they look very clean and nice.

Or just your thoughts, opinions or advice will be appreciated.

I want the car to look cleaner and more elegant... I think by doing that the truck will look much cleaner and like a sorta wide body. Here is a version I did of the two sides. Im NO expert in Photoshop or designing as you can see.

Can I get some help making better ones that will help me decide if I want to take on the job. Its an expesive job so I want to make sure I like it.

Front bumper, side skirts leaving only the dip in the middle of the side skirt, and fenders.

Thank you in advance for any help!!!!






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its worth a shot. i think your results will come out looking better than the photo edit.

I like the look of your ex already, but i think the custom glass work would make it look even better.

check this out.

S/CK from SVTPER did it:


Next I want to shave the door handles, put the hood scoop and thunderbird SC/Couger rear view mirrors.

jtsmith said:
Man you know that looks good. I still say white running boards though

You would have to dye the running boards or something?

Check this out.... no door handles.


What happened to the hood scoop?

...and the SVT logo's... I'm putting them on mine

rocket 5979 said:
What happened to the hood scoop?

this pic is actually before the scoop. Im going to go wash my car in about 30 minutes... and go take some new pics and work off that one.

Do you know of any springs that get lower than Eibach?

I lowered only 1.6'' rear and 1'' in front with Eibach. 3.6'' or so out back and 2'' in front would be nice.

Not sure how low GF goes and I thought I read somewhere of some Ford springs going pretty low.

blitzk said:
...and the SVT logo's... I'm putting them on mine

I got new logos on the way... surprice suprice!!! :D

Also do you guys know where to get those clear side marker lights? Im really digging them.

If you want an idea of what it might look like, check out my ride: It's monotoned from the factory, so I don't have any of your bulky plastic cladding over the fenders and above the running boards.


Oh, and while white running boards would look cool, they'd be a bi*** to keep clean!!!! For the running boards, if you WERE going to do them white, I'd almost think about doing a white spray on bedliner. Then it would be the color you want and be tough as nails. I'm always finding ALL sorts of rocks and dirt on my running boards when I wash my rig. That would tear up a regualr paint job.

By the way, I have the Ground Force Springs on my X in case you wanted a visual of how lowered mine is...

Your wheels stick out past your fenders, I think AWDrocks wants a tucked in look
Don't think I'm cutting you trayson, yours is also very cool looking

Notice the dirt on awd's running boards. It is more white than black. I think white stoneguard or bedliner would look cleaner longer

awdrocks said:
Level 10 built 5r55 Tranny, 2,800 stall, ATLAS II tranfer case, new driveshafts,strong half shafts, performance brakes, AED 2300ax SC, NOS, Roll cage

I noticed that you have an Atlas II as a future mod... I have one in my Jeep Wrangler and can attest to the fact that they're quite bombproof... I have a hard time picturing where you're going to punch a hole in the floorboard and put the twin sticks. (not to mention that I think twin sticks would look a bit odd in the modern interior of an explorer...)

By the way, I saw you're in Cancun... One of our favorite places to Vacation. We love diving in Akumal. :thumbsup:

Ive seen your ride its nice.

Your XLT is like mine without the moldings. But I actually like the molding... my idea with the "molding" it as one piece is to give it a sorta wide body look, but clean. Im not sure how it will hold up though in a year or so.

I will get the side markers, I dig those. I will also shave my door handles.

What spings did you use and how far did they lower you? What size tires are those?

jtsmith said:
Your wheels stick out past your fenders, I think AWDrocks wants a tucked in look
Don't think I'm cutting you trayson, yours is also very cool looking

Notice the dirt on awd's running boards. It is more white than black. I think white stoneguard or bedliner would look cleaner longer

No problem. I posted the picture up because AWDrocks was wondering if the Ground Force springs were lower than the Eibachs. I figured that he'd like a look at the height of mine w/ the Ground Force on them. While not a perfect comparison (the offset you pointed out, and he's running a slightly different tire size), the fact that we're both on 20's and have the same chassis makes it a pretty close comparison. Looking at the pictures, his ride looks lower than mine though (at least it really does in the wheel wells with the lack of fender gap).

trayson said:
I noticed that you have an Atlas II as a future mod... I have one in my Jeep Wrangler and can attest to the fact that they're quite bombproof... I have a hard time picturing where you're going to punch a hole in the floorboard and put the twin sticks. (not to mention that I think twin sticks would look a bit odd in the modern interior of an explorer...)

By the way, I saw you're in Cancun... One of our favorite places to Vacation. We love diving in Akumal. :thumbsup:

I will find a place for those sticks. Yeah I see they use those ATLASII in baja trucks also... talk about abuse and some serious power. When I have around 600+ rwhp the way those sticks look will be the last of my worries.. ;)

Yeah Cancun is a cool place to live. Its hot hot!!! I just washed my rig and I think I lost about 20pnds.

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trayson said:
No problem. I posted the picture up because AWDrocks was wondering if the Ground Force springs were lower than the Eibachs. I figured that he'd like a look at the height of mine w/ the Ground Force on them. While not a perfect comparison (the offset you pointed out, and he's running a slightly different tire size), the fact that we're both on 20's and have the same chassis makes it a pretty close comparison. Looking at the pictures, his ride looks lower than mine though (at least it really does in the wheel wells with the lack of fender gap).

Yes I do dig your GF. No way yours is way lower. Look at my second pic up on top. The way I sit now after Eibachs I have a 5'' space from the top of my tire to the bottom of the fender well. And 2.5'' in front.

How much room do you have?
