Smoked Mountaineer Taillights w/grills for sale or trade | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Smoked Mountaineer Taillights w/grills for sale or trade


Well-Known Member
October 23, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Fitzgerald GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Mountaineer
They have been professionally smoked and are in mint condition. Make me an offer.





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do you have any pictures of them lit up ?

I sure don't but, they allowed light to pass through just as much as a regular tailight.

Would be good to see them light up. Especially the reverse and brake light.

If you are pleased with them. Just curious. Why selling?

I purchased some clear tail lights with black inside and leds in them. It would be kind of a pain to remove the tail lights that I have in there now but, I can put a light bulb in it just to show if thats ok with you.

Cool looking, mine have finally arrived down under pick them up this morning, about half price compared to what Ford Australia were going to charge me, thanks Donner

No problem

Purple tint? That's very nice! What part numbers?

notice how it has 3 holes? i wonder if theres any way i would be able to reroute another light so i wouldnt have the fast blinker issue... it seems like it could work... since the taillight on explorers is dual filament, i could cut a wire and rewire it to a different harness... then i could split the positive side on the other light and run that for power... sound feasable?

Fast blinker? Do you have a burned out light bulb? Did you post it somewhere?

Purple tint? That's very nice! What part numbers?

Its black tint but, the horrible lighting in my room made them look purple.

Fast blinker? Do you have a burned out light bulb? Did you post it somewhere?

i have LED brake lights... i think about 12 on each one? they seem to work pretty well and im pleased with them... i just wanna fix the blinker problem and i was thinking about running one single LED for my blinker and just kind of drilling one hole and hot gluing it on the inside... just thinkin of ideas and brainstorming

i have LED brake lights... i think about 12 on each one? they seem to work pretty well and im pleased with them... i just wanna fix the blinker problem and i was thinking about running one single LED for my blinker and just kind of drilling one hole and hot gluing it on the inside... just thinkin of ideas and brainstorming

they make load equalizers to fix the blinker problem. you can get them at autozone for like $5. you just wire them from the blinker wire to the ground wire or something like that. i have them in my taillights and they fix it perfectly.

how much are you considering selling these taillights for? Will they fit an 02 explorer?

I will sell them for $40 with free shipping. They will fit on a 02 explorer.

do you still have them for sale? if you do and you will take $40 shipped then i can let you know when i get my pay from basic trining and i can pick them up off you.

yep they are still for sale.
