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people with optima


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September 20, 2006
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02 XLT
I just bought an optima red top. It is smaller then the factory motorcraft battery......Its not big enough to reach the factory hold down clamp.
How do I secure this thing? thanks for your help

by the way.....the battery is fantastic!

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Some of the new Optima's come with adapters in the cover to adapt them to different battery trays.

that tray doesn't work....the battery will touch the hood....and it still won' reach the clamp. does any one have any pics of the optima mounted in the explorer?

well...I jammed a piece of wood between the tray and the battery.....for now.

Bungee cords or duck tape usually works for me!

Actually I purchased a Yellow Top battery a few years ago and like 90ranajo said, the adapters where hidden in the cover. If you don't have them, then take the battery back and tell them you have the wrong battery.

well...I duct taped it in. hopefully it works for now.

i just got a yellow top couple months ago and it came with the tray and adapters. i used the adapters but not the tray and all the factory bolts work perfectly

the new adapter kit shown at the bottom of that page is what came with mine. i used the two long adapters and it fit like a glove.

duct tape, bungee cords and wood are all garabage and should not be used ever... they will wrot and can lead to a moving battery cuasing fires or death

get yourself some hold down clamps... realize if it doenst fit and you jsut modified the design of the vehicles system, you need to make yourself an appropriate design with an appropriate hold down.....

does anyone know where i can purchace these adapters that 03xbox is talking about? I got the battery from costco.

I just used a generic battery hold down from an auto parts store. Here is what it looks like. Thats a battery Isolator on the right of the battery (I have a dual battery setup). And yes, I have a red battery ground wire. I ran out of brown/black wire when I installed it, so I used some leftover red.


does the battery move around at all? I think i'm going to buy the hold down clamp......I don't want wood and duct tape under the hood much longer.

Nope, it doesn't move at all. I did have to trim it on the sides so it would fit between the raise plastic on the top of the optima. You can see what I'm talking about in the pic. Compare the left and right bottom edges of the plastic clamp.

I have a red top...and mine goes off road and it doesnt move at all.

I bought a battery hold down kit at autozone.

i just got a yellow top couple months ago and it came with the tray and adapters. i used the adapters but not the tray and all the factory bolts work perfectly

the new adapter kit shown at the bottom of that page is what came with mine. i used the two long adapters and it fit like a glove.

Is this a newer style? I just bought a new yellow top today and it's adapters look nothing like these. I was gonna fab an adapter out of some black corian but if these new adapters match up perfectly then I would rather get that style. What size did you purchase a 34/78? It's not just the adapters that are different either. The whole bottom of the battery case is different then the one that I got.

I got one last week and had the adapters just like this.

Just used the grey triangle piece and the stock screw.

I should know better..... in my other post I mentioned about my new battery and hold downs were different........ well, it turns out, when the guy grabbed my battery off the rack he grabbed a D35 instead of the D34....... I usually always double check everything cuz i hate going back to the store to return incorrect stuff........... so now I do have correct battery with new style direct fit hold downs. Much , much better!!
