3rd generation Bumper registry | Page 15 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3rd generation Bumper registry

Ah! Thank you... no hips at this time. :)

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The back looks great. the front looks like it's missing something - I'd fill in the centre bit with that westin bar, and then mount a winch to the frame bar you have just put on. Does it get enough airflow through to the radiator?

Yes, the front is porous... but there are no lights or plate or anything there yet, so it looks like it could use a nice, oh, 4 or so 55 watters :)

Yes, the front is porous... but there are no lights or plate or anything there yet, so it looks like it could use a nice, oh, 4 or so 55 watters :)

LOL. Got it. Don't forget the winch!

Got it in mind, thanks!

Don't just put a winch on to fill space though, use it! ;)

Lookin good man lookin good! Can't wait to see it at play :) So does that new front bumper mean you might have a bull bar for sale?? Cause I'd sure be interested :p:

I think you should turn your exhaust up and through the holes under the lights. Done properly with a little fill to cover some of the frame it could look pretty sweet.

Ha! You read my mind...

I think you should turn your exhaust up and through the holes under the lights. Done properly with a little fill to cover some of the frame it could look pretty sweet.

I was thinking the same thing, only they would have to be nonfunctional because exhaust would come in to the cabin through openings under the lights if not sealed...

Well, I blew a fuse driving and my mag mount blew down (the first time I didn't tie it down and it falls). Radio wen out, air went out; the truckers were having a fit with that diamond plate bumper and my lic plate lights - it was like I had a sun on my @$$ or something... painting plate tomoro. :) I didn't pick up the mic once :D

I might need it...

Don't just put a winch on to fill space though, use it! ;)

I had a couple road rage incidents tonight... I'm here, so they were "out" raged... I can't believe people some times...

tomoro without moldings...

1. rear bumper end caps - black diamond plate
2. side moldings - black diamond plate on doors only or not...
3. fender flares, after and endless search, it was either modify $$$$ or just change XLT for XLS - XLS wraps under the body so some plastic is back.
4. front bumper cb mount
5. 2 KC squares
6. might, oh, we'll see...

Skid plate - hmm, how high? how low?

Then this project is done...


  • IMGA0070.JPG
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with moldings



  • IMGA0070.JPG
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Uh..what's that in the upper right in the first picture? And the smudge in the second?:confused:

Or..I suppose I should say..how'd it get there?

Uh..what's that in the upper right in the first picture? And the smudge in the second?:confused:

Or..I suppose I should say..how'd it get there?

HAHAHA, I don't know how I didn't even notice them the first time I looked.

:) I don't know... I was editing the pics and that's what came out after they posted.

I personally liked the stock moldings and fender flares painted black. But out of the two above i like the black strip. It just seems a little naked without something there.

stay focused

with or without moldings?


  • IMGA0983.JPG
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without bra...
Um...I mean moldings... ;)
