add a leaf and shackels | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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add a leaf and shackels


January 9, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Great Falls, Montana
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT
i was wondering f it would hurt my 1991 xlt to add a leaf and add the longer shackels to gain around 3 1/2 to 4 in lift thx

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I saw a silly blazer the other day with about 8 or so inches of lift from add a leafs and shackles. Mind you his shackles looked they would break under any real stress as they were about a foot and a half (maybe even longer) long and no more than 1/2 an inch thick on either side. Wish I took a picture, looked like quite a scary set up.

I replaced the factory heavy (flat) overload spring with a generic overload from the auto parts store, then made my own shackles about 2" longer. That gained me less than 3" lift. I'm pretty sure that you can't get 4" from this method. It did flex great.,4606448/store,1089/shopping/accessoryProductDetail.htm

You might want to research F150 springs. They may give a bit more lift.

cool thanks guys green light for me

also does anyone make shackels larger to get more lift or gotta make them urself?

Lots of people make shackles -- most guys buy the Warrior products for Explorers.

I made mine -- very simple operation. If you can cut a couple pieces of steel and drill a couple holes, you can make shackles.

Here is a shot of mine (now Jman).


Note the lack of connecting bar between the sides of the shackle. They flex better that way, allow for springs to twist. And no, they are not unstable. I drove that thing everywhere, and it is still running around all over the country.

^^^Im digging that license plate set-up!

Needed to get it out of the way for the back bumper. Worked out well.

If I had the time and inclination, it could have been recessed into the tailgate in a more professional manner, but the way it is worked out great, cost virtually nothing, and I had no problems with law enforcement (no light).

thanks alot to u all this was a very big help

ive sold a few piaa 3" LED 'stick anywhere' lights to some good ol boys building mud trucks. they said they worked great as tag lights. my plate is getting bolted or molded into the liftgate this spring when i hack up my bumper, prbly use a similar light. cops around here will pull you over if 1 of your 2 tag lights is burnt. bored cops.
