Steering Wheel "clock spring" Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Steering Wheel "clock spring" Question


Active Member
December 26, 2007
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City, State
ellensburg, wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 xlt
Have a 95, cruise and horn doesn't work. Forum suggest that "clock spring" in steering wheel broken. Went to Ford to buy part and the parts counter guy shows me a circular unit that goes in behind wheel, with wires protruding from it. Is this what I am looking to replace? The part is +$100 so I want to be sure I am picking up the right part.

My Clymers and other manuals don't show a "spring" anywhere but show the part Ford described.

Any clarification would help before I buy the part. I hate to pull the wheel off without having the part available, since this is a daily driver.

Thanks for help.


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yeah that's the part, i had to do it on mine, usually the airbag light is the first indication that something is wrong as it normally flashes.


Most manuals won't go in depth with airbag systems due to liability issues.
you do have a clockspring, and it very well could be the clockspring causing your issues, but I would reccomend diagnostics first due to the cost.

Here you go:

You can test it by applying power to one side and then using a test light on the pins on the other side, if the light doesn't turn on then the clockspring is faulty (each wire corresponds to one pin on the opposite side so you need to test them all)
I hope this makes sense

Forgot to add, unhook your batt's neg terminal, that way you wont have issues with accidentally deploying your airbag

Here you go:

You can test it by applying power to one side and then using a test light on the pins on the other side, if the light doesn't turn on then the clockspring is faulty (each wire corresponds to one pin on the opposite side so you need to test them all)
I hope this makes sense

Forgot to add, unhook your batt's neg terminal, that way you wont have issues with accidentally deploying your airbag

APPLY POWER? but make sure you disconnect the negative terminal?
I get the general idea you are trying to make but I think it sounds a bit dangerous. Don't you mean get a continuity tester and check the pins?

I meant while off the truck, I guess :p: can't remember what I was thinking 3 years ago lol

Just to avoid confussin, I went to a auto body shop that as parting an explorer, removed the clock spring, tested it as described above and then once every pin lit up, bought it and replaced my broken one with it

Check the 20 amp maxi-fuse under the hood before you take it all apart.

It's in the maxi fuse box under the hood, drivers/side fender by the firewall. Likes to blow, kills the horn and cruise.

if its just that simple I am going to be so irritated... :confused:

Even if it is, sometimes when the switches go bad, they will blow the fuse. Back when I was selling switches after I pulled them from the junkyard, I'd include a 20 amp fuse with the switches I was sending to replace the blown one...

well it wasn't blown but my manual doesn't even show the cruise control on that fuse... just the horn and its a 15...:confused:
Maybe the year of the vehicle isn't the same as the one that blows fuses... I hope... :scratch:
