Shock length? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shock length?


Well-Known Member
February 24, 2009
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Wetaskiwin, Alberta
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2017 Explorer
I have searched and searched but I can't find the answer I am looking for...if it is out there, point me in the right direction or answer my question if you can!

I have a superlift 5.5" kit with the SOA for the rear of my 1992 Ex. Does anyone know the compressed and exteneded measurements front and rear for this setup? I don't want to install it until I have the shocks so I can't just lift some tires and get the measurements. I will go that route if I have to I suppose. I have read that the stock shocks may limit travel in the back so can I just add a couple inches over stock to stop that? Any advice is greatly appreciated. If all else fails I suppose I will just install the lift and break out the forklift and a tape measure but I would rather have all my parts in hand before I start.

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Thank but I am looking for length, not cost. I am curious to know what they are compressed and extended. I think they come in at 21" extended but I guess I'll just build it and strech it out and measure...

did you ever figure it out, i have the same set up and need new shocks.what did you go with?

for rear with spring over axle I got away with the shocks for a Rancho 2.5" lift for several years but I did put a little longer shock (I think like a 10" stroke).


as for the front, they're not that long of a shock, I'm thinking it's like a 8" stroke shock does the trick for the 5.5 lift. If you go much longer it will limit your uptravel.

If you don't have a set of shocks in your hand already, check out the mod where guys run the longer F250 shock tower. It's a pretty cool looking mod.

My best advice is to call whatever shock manufacturer you want to use. Don't forget the front is a stud on the upper and the rear is a bar pin style.
