Surf fishing w/ 5.0 AWD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Surf fishing w/ 5.0 AWD


Well-Known Member
February 4, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Jersey Shore
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT 5.0L AWD
Sold the boat a bunch of years ago, sold my 04 xterra, and don't have the fullsize bronco anymore so all I've got left truck wise is my 98 5.0 AWD. I've got regular goodyear wranglers on it. Would this truck do well in soft sand if I were to air down? I've never really went off road w/o an actual 4x4 so I'm a little concerned. The sand on the beaches in NJ is a lot softer than what I've seen elsewhere. Thanks for any input..

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It's a risk. I drive on the beach with 31x10.5 without a problem but I stayed on the damp sand which doesn't give way as much as the dry stuff. I was also solo so I didnt want to risk getting stuck. I didn't air down my tires either.

Got up to 50 mph without a problem, handled fine.

Where can you drive on the beach in Jerzee?

You will do fine as long as you air down. My Ex does great on the beach in 4Hi...never had a problem, although it's not AWD. I've seen plenty of AWD Explorers on the beach down in Nags Head and have yet to see one get stuck. Speaking of surf fishing...heading down to the Outer Banks in a few weeks...can't wait!:)

Beach riding

i live on Ocracoke Island, NC, and run a 2000 4wd OHC XLT on the beach nearly daily. i run the tires at 20 lbs and have had no problems. most people getting stuck on the beach have not run their tires down or dont pay attention to what they are doing.

I play in desert sugar sand in my X a lot of the time all I need is the LS rear. If the sand is damp from rain I can go most anywhere,climbing I mean. I'm really impressed with how my X does in sand. Like mentioned already,pay attention and I guess watch out for the tide! Oh and I honestly don't air down my tires. That LS rear is awesome!!!

I've got a trac lock in the rear. You can go on Chadwick, Ortley, etc (Near Pt. Pleasent/Seaside) in the fall..Not during the summer.
