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installed racing stripes - updated pics.


Well-Known Member
July 1, 2005
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Jackson, MS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 explorer xls
after much computer testing... I decided to order some vinyl and made me some racing stripes... (I'm still working on them)...

See the full story here:




I will put on the tail gate... not sure if I will do the roof....

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Looks great man, idk if id do it on the roof either, probably not.

oh haha!! i thought the blue was part of the racing stripes. the blue looked bada** on there. maybe pinstripe the outside of the stripes a very thin blue??

Iknow it was tape...but yeah.. I like the Blue!!!:thumbsup:

looks good, were did you get the vinyl????

Iknow it was tape...but yeah.. I like the Blue!!!:thumbsup:

I thought about just leaving it there.... it looked nice.... the problem is that I have no blue at all in the truck and I kinda wanted to keep the black/grey theme.... I might do the thin blue stripe....

or you could even change the smaller outside stripes to blue. its just an idea, something like this:


ps: did you not like the mesh grille? i noticed you had it in one shot but then stocker in the next...

or you could even change the smaller outside stripes to blue. its just an idea, something like this:


cool.. what software did you use to paint the lines???

ps: did you not like the mesh grille? i noticed you had it in one shot but then stocker in the next...
I home-made the grille.... it looks nice from far away, but from up close it looks a little rough... the mesh grilles that I like are about $200+... so I just decided to paint the oem flat black... until I can affort a nice one...


I bet that adds 20mph to the top end speed too;)

BTW, I vote for blue outside stripes too. That really sets it off.

or u could paint the grilles you made black...

sorry rama, i kinda stole your truck for my own photoshop pleasure.. :(


I also agree on blue :thumbsup:

heres all black, which looks sick too:


im using adobe photoshop cs2 right now. i have cs4 but havent loaded it yet.

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