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Next wheelin trip?

Im glad you got everything fixed, cant wait to go wheelin with everyone again.

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We are ready when you guys are...


Long travle TTB... right...

Damn straight


I took a quick trip to Elbe last weekend, I don't think I would bring the stockers on what was once was "Easy" trail


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October soon

It's going to be October real soon.

Anyone got a plan? or are we going to force ourselves on Paul and Terry after a Tahuya run.

It oght to be nice and wet out there now. :rolleyes:

After the roof I am pretty tapped out. I had to dip in to some of the fun money to get it done before the rain came. I think I'm gonna stick to Walker Valley for the rest of the season.

We gotta get Paul somewhere to fix his rear suspension. He doesn't have a boat anymore so I don't know what he's spending all his free time on :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Or we gotta get a rear suspension fixer to his place :thumbsup:;)

That thing is dangerous on the highway :roll:

Well I survived the last big sand dunes trip of the year so Its back to wheelin again... other then a few little things Im ready for another trip. Some friends and I went out today to see how the trails were by my house, all I can say is I hope you have a wich because there already looking bad. I would be down for a trip to Evens Creek or Elby in the next week or two??? Let me know what you guys think. Hopin to have enough $$$ for a front locker and some new rear springs before we go... Chris is almost done with the dubbler and a new clutch so Im sure he will go also. Cant wait to see everyone on the trail again! Lets do some wheelin!

How does the second Saturday of October Sound for a Evans or Elbe run?
I will give you a call Ben

Well I survived the last big sand dunes trip of the year so Its back to wheelin again... other then a few little things Im ready for another trip. Some friends and I went out today to see how the trails were by my house, all I can say is I hope you have a wich because there already looking bad. I would be down for a trip to Evens Creek or Elby in the next week or two??? Let me know what you guys think. Hopin to have enough $$$ for a front locker and some new rear springs before we go... Chris is almost done with the dubbler and a new clutch so Im sure he will go also. Cant wait to see everyone on the trail again! Lets do some wheelin!

Chris should talk to Bobby Long about getting the doubler shaft cryo treated before putting everything in.

I told him the same thing but the shop in auburn that made his says that no one has been able to destryo one of there shafts yet... I was going to buy one from the same shop untill I saw the one he bought, they did a nice job cutting the splines and the overall fit and finish is nice but it is soft, you can cut right into it with a file. We will see, if anyone can brake it... its going to be Chris. As far as wheelin, let me check with Chris, Forrest, and Andy to see if they can make it that weekend. Guess I should pull the explorer into the shop and give everything a once over.

I have seen a few threads on diffrent forums about the east side and how it is such a challenge now that it is wet, what about a trip back over there before the snow flies?

It would be fun, we were just talkin about going back to the rocks before the snow park opens. I will make some phone calls and see what everyone thinks.

Liberty, Oct 9-10-11

The kid doesn't have school on the 9th, and we need a camping trip for October so,,,,,,,

AND you guys need to check out Red Top Mtn Fire Lookout.


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I have been talking with Ben, We was wanting to get backover to the kaner flats/shoestring trails camping down by the river and go up the trails we were going down.

I have been talking with Ben, We was wanting to get backover to the kaner flats/shoestring trails camping down by the river and go up the trails we were going down.


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Liberty West on Friday, including rock hounding for Blue Agates on Red Top Mtn and more pictures from the fire lookout.

East side trails Saturday :thumbsup:

I know Naches is closer for you guys but Kevin's budget is practically non-existant and I seriousley doubt he could go back to Naches this fall. He might be able to swing Liberty.
