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No Fuel, No Go


New Member
June 25, 2009
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City, State
Pulaski, Va
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT, 93 XL
Ok. I have a 93 X. The other day I was getting into it to head to the store and started it up. It idled for a few seconds and then stalled. I started it back up and it idled for an even shorter few seconds and then died. Now it will just crank. :mad:My fuel pump is kinda noisy and I noticed that there was no humming coming from it whatsoever. I checked all the fuses to see if maybe my fuel pump fuse had blown and found a small 20amp mini fuse in the power distribution box was blown. I replaced it and tried it again and it blew again. I am pretty sure that lillte mini fuse isn't the thorn in my side but I don't have an owner's manual to tell me what exactly it is. I tried replacing the fuel pump relay with another spare i had but no such easy fix. I think I may need a new fuel pump but would like a second opinion or advice. So....
2 problems::help:
1. What was that 20amp mini fuse for?
2. Ideas about the fuel pump not running.

Thank you guys in advance for the help. I have always been able to turn to you guys and get pointed in the right direction.

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There is a fuse in the power distribution box for the fuel pump and for the main computer, either of which tend to be implicated in some no starts. I thought they were 30 amp fuses. My PDB has a diagram in the cover that shows what each fuse is for, has this worn off of your PDB cover?

Gut feel at this point is that the blown fuse is going to be important in determining why the fuel pump won't run. Once someone with a '93 helps us identify that fuse, I expect we'll be a long way towards figuring out why it won't start.

Fuel pump relay would be a consideration. It's under the Fuse box

Ask and ye shall receive... both 1993 Fuse Panel Diagrams from the Dealer Service Manual.


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arco777, you are the man!!! That is exactly what i needed! Now according to the diagram you posted, it is my fuel pump mini fuse that keeps blowing. Which tells me that either I have a short in the wiring going to the fuel pump or the fuel pump is shot. Which I believe is the fuel pump itself since it has been sounding like a garbage disposal for awhile now. Thanks guys you are awesome!!:thumbsup::notworthy

In tank pump for sure. Ive done a few of those. Make sure you replace the filter at the same time. Kinda spendy tho. The pump that is. I belive the last time I looked it was like a hundred bucks. And if your fuel gauge is on the fritz you might consider a new sending unit. That too by the way is also a hundred bucks. Good luck.

How quickly does the fuse blow? It could be a wiring short and not the pump. Noisy pumps don't necessarily result in blowing fuses. Replacing the pump is a bit of a pita, so make sure that's your problem before doing it.

I would try connecting power directly to the fuel pump harness at the rear of the truck, with a 20a fuse, and see if it blows right away. If it does, the problem is either the fuel pump or the wiring on the sending unit. If it doesn't, you have a short elsewhere.
