The mysterious ES2234L TRE | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The mysterious ES2234L TRE


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March 13, 2005
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84 BII "Li'l Samson"
Can anyone tell me what Chevy truck this TRE end is for? And exactly what part of the steering it is. ES2234L...L meaning left hand thread.
I'm making my own steering linkage out of 1.5 DOM and want R and L TREs.
No one around here carrys one. Plenty of ES2234R which is right hand thread. Auto Zone says in their hard parts cat. they can get it, but it costs twice as much as the $30+ ES2234R. What's going on here? I've tried NAPPA and they never heard of it.
Sure I can call Ballistic and get it for $35 + shipping. But I would really like just to walk into a parts store and buy one over counter.
And what I've read on other sites including Pirate, I'm not the only one who is having a hard time finding one.

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Is that the one with the hole in it that you ream out (originally for the factory steering stabilizer bracket)?

If so, either the part #'s are messed up or the replacement is a ES2233L. IIRC you use a ES2234R on the other side of the TR.

Excuse me if im wrong... its been a couple of years since i did that swap but im pretty sure i used the 2234R and 2233L for the tie rod, and 2010L and 2010R for the drag link.

Thanks for that info guys, but it just clouds the picture more. I'm going to call Ballistic tomorrow and order it from them, they have it in stock. I even asked where to they get it and the guy conveniently said he really does not know, Hmm.
And no it's not the one that you ream out. It looks like the ES2234R but left hand thread. It goes on the oppisite end of the steering link that has the ES2234R.

On the drag link at Pitman arm I'm using a ES2027L that came in today at AutoZone and then another ES2234R on other end that will not hook-up to steering link but on top of High Steer Arm passenger side. Hope I make sense.


Now here is my drag link that will have the es2027L that is on right side of pic. It has a left thread and will hook-up to the Pitman arm that I will, at least think I will, have to ream the arm out with a 1.5" reamer.

The TRE on left is the es2234R that will go on other end of drag link and will attach to top of high steer arm on pass. side.

Now on the steering link I'll have another es2234R which is right hand thread and then, if I ever get the es2234L which is supposed to look very close to the 2234R but has a left hand thread, I'll attach that to the other end.

Calling Ballistic tomorrow, getting tired of not being able to find it local.
Again thanks for your input.

Now if anyone is thinking why don't I just use the 2027L which has a left thread on the other end of the steering, it's becuase of the taper and length of the part that goes into the Pitman is different.
Just throwing these out there --

a) Ream out the pitman arm to use whatever TRE you want.
b) Drill out the pitman arm and use a heim.

The TRE on left is the es2234R that will go on other end of drag link and will attach to top of high steer arm on pass. side.

That TRE is not made for a drag link application due to the angularity a drag link operates at. And yes you will need to ream out the pitman arm to fit the es2027L

That TRE is not made for a drag link application due to the angularity a drag link operates at. And yes you will need to ream out the pitman arm to fit the es2027L

The part of the high steer arm that the 2234R bolts to is machined to make up for the angle. There are several people that sell both same ends that I'm going to use for the drag link. Now I'll double check on that for sure.
Plus I don't have all those extreme angles like a lot of lifted trucks.

Thanks section525, I just bookmarked that also. I'm thinking the first pic will be what angle my drag link will be, not so wild. It's just that getting my track bar that shallow of an angle will be interesting.
But should cut down on bump steer.

IZ, ya that could be a backup plan. Really trying to stay away from heims though.

But one way or another,today I'll get something going.

It's a done deal, I was on the phone with Mike as soon as he opened up.
They have their own production made left hand thread TRE that will work on the tie rod.
It's same thread and taper as the Chevy, but left hand thread and with a better location for the grease fitting.
Being shipped today.
Thanks for all the help guys.


OK, here is the left hand thread TRE I got from partsmike that they had especially made up for them. Now I do not need the hard to find if not impossible 2234L. They knew exactly the problem I was having.
Still need to weld in the tube insert but this won't be done untill I get the High Steer arms on.


Here is the opposite end of the tie rod. It has the right hand threads on it.
There is no provisions for the drag link to tie into the tie rod or some call the steering link.
That will be tied into the passenger side High steer arm for more of a shallow angle. And of course other end to Pitman arm.
