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Tabezic, to say for myself, I did notice power with my similar design on my intake. It makes a nice growl under the hood and in the exhaust. :thumbsup: Still doesn't get me what I want...a 0-60 under 10 seconds :mad: My time is at 10.67.
I'll post up my "stage 3" intake as soon as I get it installed. It has no heat shield so I do plan on having to fabricate one. And I also want a K&N filter. Next thing is on my list a magnaflow muffler. I can get 2.5" inlet 2.5" outlet cheap on amazon.

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o found another pic. it's the trail head.


i noticed that my exhaust sounds much deeper, and the mid range to top end pull is a bit better...

butt dyno reflects a positive gain, but im also looking for an increase in mpg also. have to get the oil changed to get some positive readings...

next i plan on the TB Spacer Mod, which should help reduce the massive lag in the " 04-05 " V6 Drive By Wire TB...

sweet. i havnt had the chance to drive a "drive by wire" ex. but im asuming its just as bad as the 04 and up f-150's. those are horable

Nate, when you go to do the exhaust, please please dont forget to eliminate the factory exhaust clamp !! causes alot of back pressure...


this is what you want !


how much $$$ was ur muffler?

what do yall think. trying to make it like a bull bar.


I'm liking it. :thumbsup:Definately different from the rest of us with a bull bar.

i have to mod it b/c its just a strait tube and i want to bend it so i gose with the curve of the bumper then make custom brackets for it to fit ill be doing work on it during my thanksgiving brake

i have to mod it b/c its just a strait tube and i want to bend it so i gose with the curve of the bumper then make custom brackets for it to fit ill be doing work on it during my thanksgiving brake

Thats what I was wondering if you were going to do. I think once you bend it to the curve of the bumper, then it will look best.

the best part was i got the baja bar and lights for free:thumbsup:

Nate, when you go to do the exhaust, please please dont forget to eliminate the factory exhaust clamp !! causes alot of back pressure...


this is what you want !


Is removing the exhaust clamps legal for emissions? I wouldn't see why it wouldn't be, but I'm just wondering. If it is emissions legal, I will eliminate the exhaust clamp.

the pipe reduces from 2.5'' pipe down to 2.25'' pipe, at that exhaust clamp. eliminate the " pipe reduction " and it will help free up the exhaust alot...

nice HIDs in the headlights?

Yes, 6000K's.

The following day, I did the bake and paint of the headlamps. Now I got some cooler looking, more agressive mean headlamps. I spent a lot of time re-aiming the lights too. That takes forever!

ya i know how you feal. i tried aiming my mounty's headlights after i got my HIDs and i just gave up aafter a while.


Judochop, your X looks great fella ! love that push bar

Got new tires from sams club. Went from a 235/70/16 to a 245/70/16. Gained 1.5" of ground clearance to the frame. I got goodyear armor tracs. Soon as imageshack starts working I will post a pic up. :)

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Got new tires from sams club. Went from a 235/70/16 to a 245/70/16. Gained 1.5" of ground clearance to the frame. I got goodyear armor tracs. Soon as imageshack starts working I will post a pic up. :)

Nate, I'm going to be getting tires real soon and planned on going to Sam's Club & getting the armor tracs as well. I was going with the original size - 235/70/16. You, my friend, have me thinking. Is there any clearance problems or rubbing? Standing by for pics...........:popcorn:
