Screwed up I believe | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Screwed up I believe

jason's 94

Active Member
January 30, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Auburn, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Explorer 4dr XLT 4x4
1994 Explorer 4door XLT 188K.

I have some Mickey Thompson rims ( 15x8 with 4.5 backspacing ) and I just had Goodyear Authority's put on ( 31x10.5x15 ). I have a 1" of sag in the back compared to the front (measured from wheel well lip to ground). Suspension is bone stock with just factory length decent shocks.

I'm really got a gut feeling that there's going to be rubbing. I've searched and read that 31's can fit on stock explorers but with my rims being 8 inches wide with a 10.5 tire with the 1" sag in the back i'm thinking that it's going to rub on the up and down movement and maybe with the articulation movement as well. I hope i'm just paranoid but i'd like to know before i try and put them on in the morning. Thanks for your time. Jason



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is your rear sway bar attached? if so then they probably won't rub. and if anything, your fronts will rub when turning and flexing.

yeah it's attached. i'd like to put a 95+ sway bar on to make it better around turns. needs new bushings but it's on but it's not clunking or anything. I wish i had some 1 1/2" shackles right now

hammered the rear wheel wells pretty good which was easy cause of the rust problems. no rubbing present from steering it lock to lock. I didn't do any 3 foot jumps ya know but just drove it around on gravel, went over speed bumps pretty fast and not a scratch where i was concerned. Really noticed a big difference in the steering which i'm digging. Has alot more response. Thought these Authorities were gonna be louder than what they were. Really like them. Now i just need a set of 1 1/2" shackles for the back to ease my mind some more. heres a crappy pic but a pic.


is your rear sway bar attached? if so then they probably won't rub. and if anything, your fronts will rub when turning and flexing.

x2.. Any rubbing will always show up in the front if at all.

Measure from the body line to the ground instead of the wheel lip, may not have any sag at all.

i have no feel of rubbing nor any signs of rubbing on the tires in the front. than again i'm not doing any donuts or offroading really. i'm taking it pretty easy for now. it's not quite an inch more like 5/8". need to lift this pig. probably just AAl and shackles in the back with some of those spring seats
