98 Exploder | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 Exploder

My 98 Explorer:

So here's the story behind it. My Uncle was the first owner, he had bought it new, but then moved up to a newer truck (I think it was a Avalanche). My dad's lease had just ended on his VW Passat so he bought the car from my uncle. My mom also Bought a 03 Explorer around the same time, if not a little later, but then need a more fuel efficient car since she drives all over the city for her job so she bought a VW Jetta. At this time I turned 16 (last year) so I got the Old explorer and my dad took over the new explorer.

I got the car and thought I'd just be driving it until I could get a new car after college, but I ended up loving the car. I then had a few issues and found this website so I thought I'd share!





Other Mods I have done are:
Red lights on the dashboard
New Head Unit
Zip Tie Gas Pedal Mod

Any advice on what else I should do? I am very limited in terms of money but would like to do some small mods while making look stock. I am not a fan of cars that are way over done. I will not be using this off-road much, if at all.

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Nice Explorer, as far as mods go....what's your aim here? You say you want to do something while trying to remain stockish, little bit of offroad look even though your not going to wheel it or more of a street feel?

Nice Explorer, as far as mods go....what's your aim here? You say you want to do something while trying to remain stockish, little bit of offroad look even though your not going to wheel it or more of a street feel?

Probably more of a street feel. But I'm not sure. More looking for little things I can do to make it different yet look like the factory could have produced it.

Not really a mod but, vent visors are nice for the doors. 2 small fog/driving lights in the cut out in your front bumper. An Explorerforum.com Decal would look awesome on your back window :D. Not use to stockish street mods but the visors and fog lights add a nice appearance.

I guess by stock, I mean I just don't want something way over the top. I currently have the stock Fog lights in my bumper, they are kinda hard to see in the pictures. What do you think it'd look like if I painted my rocker panel the same color as the plastic of my bumper? Or if I painted the plastic of my bumper and rocker panel black?

black would look good on it.

Sounds pretty good and beautiful truck. That red is just...amazing! Its good that your not planning to do anything crazy yet. Coming from another 16 year old in this harsh economy, you don't want to do anything that would make it lose its drivability.

nice x u got there

u should put exhaust and intake and possibly headers or put hids and etc

Probably more of a street feel. But I'm not sure. More looking for little things I can do to make it different yet look like the factory could have produced it.
Where might I acquire this decal?

I quoted the wrong post....you get the point. Explorerforum.com decal please

Here's my Dad's Explorer and mine next to each other



And here is my other car

