Idea For... Roof Rack/Homemade Roof Basket | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Idea For... Roof Rack/Homemade Roof Basket

lounge lizard said:
I would love to have one of them on the top of my truck!

but here in PA it would more likely wear faster with the seasonal weather we get.

I love the look though!

Get a lot of hurricanes and 115° weather up there do ya? :)

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but we do get a lot of rain and snow. and road salt that eat holes in everything! :D

we do get 100 degree weather in the summer! :p:

The lights work! And on the first try too!




that looks awesome!

where did you locate the switch to turn them on?

how do the back up lights work?

and where did you locate that switch as well.

lounge lizard said:
that looks awesome!

where did you locate the switch to turn them on?

how do the back up lights work?

and where did you locate that switch as well.

I have a 12V key fob remote I found on eBay. That way I don't have to drill any holes in my dash and I can turn them on from outside.... See watch:


I just tapped into the reverse light bulb wire and ran it to a relay for the backup lights.

(Side Note: What the hell are those little flap thingys behind my tail lights?)

Now they come on whenever I put it in reverse. I checked with like 30 local police and sheriffs to make sure it was legal. They all thought it was pretty cool.

All the relays and the remote assembly are in a waterproof carlon box mounted on top of my rear frame rail.


I ran my 12V through the frame all the way to the front of my ex and to the battery. That way it's protected. Then it's fused right before the battery.


Nice and clean. =D

Wow Brian very nice... Such attention to detail... Pat yourself on the back...
The little flaps behind your tail lights are to depressurize the interior when you slam your doors shut so it will close them...:thumbsup:

Huh. Cool. And thanks!

Even cleaner after my Bullitt intake and head swap :)


What are your thoughts on the head/intake swap? How has drivability been affected?

What are your thoughts on the head/intake swap? How has drivability been affected?

It's been great. The misfire I've been having is pissing me off a bit but the last thing left to check is the plug wires so that's a headache. I also need to servo bore/solenoid block my tranny as 3rd gear slips ALL the time.

Also now that I hollowed out my cats and put my muffler back on I've got a TON of torque. Once I get my transmission fixed and some new tires I'll get it tuned the right way. I ran just my hollowed out y pipe for a couple days and it was deep and LOUD.

All in all, I'm happy with it. I got such a great deal on all the parts for it there's no reason not to be. Just got to get all the other little stuff done before I can really take advantage of it.

Then after all that, I'm going to learn and weld up a new roof rack :)

Looks fantastic. What size are those lights?
