PICTURE: Help identify this mystery part in engine compartment | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PICTURE: Help identify this mystery part in engine compartment


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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2002 Limited 4x4 4.6L
Well, it's a mysterious part to me. I hope someone will recognize the part and tell me what it is for. In the first pic I have it circled in red. There is what appears to be a grey colored vacuum line that plugs into it. The location is on the passenger side of a 2002 Explorer with 4.6L V8.



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By golly, I believe you are right! The reason I was asking about it because the little grey vacuum line that plugs into the back of it was actually UNPLUGGED when I was poking around the engine compartment looking for something else. My first reaction was "huh, this vacuum line is unplugged but the Explorer seems to be running fine...I wonder why it doesn't seem to have any effect". Now keep in mind, I live it hot Florida and it's very rare to turn the heater on down here. Maybe I had it on twice last winter. Anyhow, I seem to recall that it might also have an effect on how the A/C blows. So, I'm wondering if anyone can explain how the bypass valve works so I can understand why I haven't noticed a problem with the A/C and if I would have noticed a problem with the heater if/when I next flipped it on had I not found the unplugged grey vacuum line.

your climate control will constantly adjust your temperature with the A/C and heat.. opening and closing the valves as it needs to, to maintain temperature.


Okay, that probably explains it. Even though I have the fancy-schmancy climate control on this Explorer I almost always put the climate control on the lowest setting (60 degrees) in manual mode and let it blast out ice cold air. No wonder I didn't miss the bypass valve....LOL!

that looks like the bypass valve for your interior heater core....


is there another heater bypass valve? because i had to delete my "Heater Bypass valve" that was in-line with my lower coolant hose.

Oh, it ain't broke. I just plugged the vacuum line back on and shrugged my shoulders. I think the vacuum line just popped off for some reason. Maybe when I was mucking with something else in there and just didn't notice it. I never was a big fan of the auto climate control because it is monitoring cabin temperature instead of what it should be...that is, the body temperature of the driver...LOL. Maybe in the future they'll install an infrared body temperature scanner.

I never was a big fan of the auto climate control because it is monitoring cabin temperature instead of what it should be...that is, the body temperature of the driver...LOL. Maybe in the future they'll install an infrared body temperature scanner.

Don't confuse the Ford Motor Company Engineers more than they already are. They or we have a hard enough time keeping all these sensors functioning properly on these Ex's and you want them to create sensors to that can adjust the cabin temp inside the vehicle to that of the body temp of a driver? Just imagine the confusion Ford Engineers will have in figuring out the body temp of a woman driver lets say in her mid 40's and older, who is going through that fun filled "change of life" period AKA "Hot Flashes"? :D That temp sensor would go into overload the first day. Nuff said! :p:
