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Yea...what's wrong with that?

I see a 255/70/16 available...

Who knows really. I will probably buy a used set of tires and if I don't like the size I will go up from there. Seems like most of you are talking me into a bigger tire anyway :)

Jwigs, that looks awesome! Good job!

IMO it looks funny with 245's. I'd say 265's would be the perfect size. Have a look at MillertimeX17's explorer.


3" body lift and 265/75/16 Goodyear Wrangler Duratracs with 16x8 Vision Wheels (0 offset)

hey just thought i would let u all know i was on my way home from work and a guy in this cummins decided to act like a bad ass and try to race me in my stock explorer and i walked him from 55-110 :)


Jwigs what brand roof basket do u have looks great by the way

Thanks! the basket is a Yakima, I got it off eBay for an awesome price. It came with the Yakima cargo net as well.

coming down the rattlesnake yesterday this was the easy part waynes world was torture almost lost both bumpers and my x


Before (when I bought it and added the A/T)


And from a trip this weekend


Hey, I have the same roof rack as the one you purchased and ironically enough mounted it the same way. If you dont mind, could you send me a picture as to how you mounted your lights on the rack? I have been trying to come up with some way to do so, and have gotten nowhere thus far!

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looks good:thumbsup: plasti dip?

Thank you! and no it wasnt actually. 2 Coats of krylon sandable primer 3 coats of Krylon outdoor metal paint (satin) and 2 coats of clear coat. I had a buddy use this same process on his wheels and theyre still looking good so we'll see. If not I have 3 cans of Plasti Dip sitting in the garage!
